Source code for

"""Defines a class storing data on the file system as a compressed movie.

This package requires the optional :mod:`ffmpeg-python` package to use FFmpeg for
reading and writing movies.

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

import io
import json
import shlex
from import Iterator, Sequence
from fractions import Fraction
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

from ..fields import FieldCollection
from ..fields.base import FieldBase
from ..fields.datafield_base import DataFieldBase
from import ffmpeg as FFmpeg
from import cached_property
from import fill_in_docstring
from import module_available
from import parse_duration
from ..trackers.interrupts import ConstantInterrupts, InterruptData, parse_interrupt
from .base import InfoDict, StorageBase, StorageTracker, WriteModeType

def _get_limits(value: float | ArrayLike, dim: int) -> np.ndarray:
    """Helper function creating sequence of length `dim` from input."""
    if np.isscalar(value):
        return np.full(dim, value, dtype=float)
        return np.asarray(value)[:dim].astype(float)

[docs] class MovieStorage(StorageBase): """Store discretized fields in a movie file. This storage only works when the `ffmpeg` program and :mod:`ffmpeg` is installed. The default codec is `FFV1 <>`_, which supports lossless compression for various configurations. Not all video players support this codec, but `VLC <>`_ usually works quite well. Note that important metainformation is stored as a comment in the movie, so this data must not be deleted or altered if the video should be read again. Warning: This storage potentially compresses data and can thus lead to loss of some information. The data quality depends on many parameters, but most important are the bits per channel of the video format and the range that is encoded (determined by `vmin` and `vmax`). Note also that selecting individual time points might be quite slow since the video needs to be read from the beginning each time. Instead, it is much more efficient to process entire videos (by iterating over them or using :func:``). """ def __init__( self, filename: str | Path, *, vmin: float | ArrayLike = 0, vmax: float | ArrayLike = 1, bits_per_channel: int = 16, video_format: str = "auto", bitrate: int = -1, info: InfoDict | None = None, write_mode: WriteModeType = "truncate_once", write_times: bool = False, loglevel: str = "warning", ): """ Args: filename (str): The path where the movie is stored. The file extension determines the container format of the movie. The standard codec FFV1 plays well with the ".avi", ".mkv", and ".mov" container format. vmin (float or array): Lowest values that are encoded (per field). Smaller values are clipped to this value. vmax (float or array): Highest values that are encoded (per field). Larger values are clipped to this value. bits_per_channel (int): The number of bits used per color channel. Typical values are 8 and 16. The relative accuracy of stored values is 0.01 and 0.0001, respectively. video_format (str): Identifier for a video format from :data:``, which determines the number of channels, the bit depth of individual colors, and the codec. The special value `auto` tries to find a suitable format automatically, taking `bits_per_channel` into account. bitrate (float): The bitrate of the movie (in kilobits per second). The default value of -1 let's the encoder choose an appropriate bit rate. info (dict): Supplies extra information that is stored in the storage alongside additional information necessary to reconstruct fields and grids. write_mode (str): Determines how new data is added to already existing data. Possible values are: 'append' (data is always appended), 'truncate' (data is cleared every time this storage is used for writing), or 'truncate_once' (data is cleared for the first writing, but appended subsequently). Alternatively, specifying 'readonly' will disable writing completely. write_times (bool): Flag determining whether timestamps are written to a file. If True, a separate file with name :code:`filename + ".times"` is created where the times are written as plain text. Without these timestamps, the time information might be inaccurate. loglevel (str): FFmpeg log level determining the amount of data sent to stdout. The default only emits warnings and errors, but setting this to `"info"` can be useful to get additioanl information about the encoding. """ if not module_available("ffmpeg"): raise ModuleNotFoundError("`MovieStorage` needs `ffmpeg-python` package") super().__init__(info=info, write_mode=write_mode) self.filename = Path(filename) self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax self.bits_per_channel = bits_per_channel self.video_format = video_format self.bitrate = bitrate self.loglevel = loglevel self.write_times = write_times self._ffmpeg: Any = None self._times_file: io.TextIOBase | None = None self._state: Literal["closed", "reading", "writing"] = "closed" self._norms: list[Normalize] | None = None self._is_writing = False def __del__(self): self.close() # ensure open files are closed when the FileStorage is deleted
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the currently opened file.""" if self._ffmpeg is not None:"Close movie file '%s'", self.filename) if self._state == "writing": self._ffmpeg.stdin.close() self._ffmpeg.wait() elif self._state == "reading": self._ffmpeg.stdout.close() self._ffmpeg.wait() self._ffmpeg = None if self._times_file is not None: self._times_file.close() self._times_file = None self._state = "closed"
def __enter__(self) -> MovieStorage: return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): self.close()
[docs] def clear(self): """Truncate the storage by removing all stored data.""" if self.filename.exists(): self.filename.unlink()
def _get_metadata(self) -> str: """Obtain metadata stored in the video.""" info = info["version"] = 1 info["vmin"] = self.vmin info["vmax"] = self.vmax info["write_times"] = self.write_times return json.dumps(info) def _read_metadata(self) -> None: """Read metadata from video and store it in :attr:`info`""" import ffmpeg # lazy loading so it's not a hard dependence path = Path(self.filename) if not path.exists(): raise OSError(f"File `{path}` does not exist") info = ffmpeg.probe(path) # sanity checks on the video nb_streams = info["format"]["nb_streams"] if nb_streams != 1: self._logger.warning("Only using first of %d streams", nb_streams) tags = info["format"].get("tags", {}) # read comment field, which can be either lower case or upper case raw_comment = tags.get("comment", tags.get("COMMENT", "{}")) if raw_comment == "{}": self._logger.warning("Could not find metadata written by `py-pde`") metadata = json.loads(shlex.split(raw_comment)[0]) version = metadata.pop("version", 1) if version != 1: self._logger.warning("Unknown metadata version `%d`", version) self.vmin = metadata.pop("vmin", 0) self.vmax = metadata.pop("vmax", 1) # read information from the first stream stream = info["streams"][0] try:["num_frames"] = int(stream["nb_frames"]) except KeyError: # frame count is not directly in the video # => try determining it from the duration try: fps = Fraction(stream.get("avg_frame_rate", None)) duration = parse_duration(stream.get("tags", {}).get("DURATION")) except TypeError as err: raise RuntimeError("Frame count could not be read from video") from err else:["num_frames"] = int(duration.total_seconds() * float(fps))["width"] = stream["width"]["height"] = stream["height"] if self.video_format == "auto": video_format ="video_format") if video_format is None: video_format = stream.get("pix_fmt") if video_format is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not determine video format from file") else: video_format = self.video_format try: self._format = FFmpeg.formats[video_format] except KeyError: self._logger.warning("Unknown pixel format `%s`", video_format) else: if self._format.pix_fmt_file != stream.get("pix_fmt"): "Pixel format differs from requested one: %s != %s", self._format.pix_fmt_file, stream.get("pix_fmt"), ) def _init_normalization(self, field: FieldBase) -> None: """Initialize the normalizations of the color information. Args: field (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase): Example field to obtain information about grid and data rank inverse (bool): Whether inverse normalization function should be returned The resulting normalization functions are stored in `self._norms` """ self._norms = [] if isinstance(field, FieldCollection): fields: Sequence[DataFieldBase] = field.fields else: fields = [field] # type: ignore vmin = _get_limits(self.vmin, len(fields)) vmax = _get_limits(self.vmax, len(fields)) for f_id, f in enumerate(fields): norm = Normalize(vmin[f_id], vmax[f_id], clip=True) num = f.grid.dim**f.rank # independent components in the field self._norms.extend([norm] * num) @property def _filename_times(self) -> Path: """str: the filename of the file to whichtime stamps are written""" return self.filename.with_suffix(self.filename.suffix + ".times")
[docs] def start_writing(self, field: FieldBase, info: InfoDict | None = None) -> None: """Initialize the storage for writing data. Args: field (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`): An example of the data that will be written to extract the grid and the data_shape info (dict): Supplies extra information that is stored in the storage """ import ffmpeg # lazy loading so it's not a hard dependence if self._is_writing: raise RuntimeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} is already in writing mode") if self._ffmpeg is not None: raise RuntimeError("ffmpeg process already started") # delete data if truncation is requested. This is for instance necessary # to remove older data with incompatible data_shape if self.write_mode == "truncate": self.clear() elif self.write_mode == "truncate_once": self.clear() self.write_mode = "append" # do not truncate in subsequent calls elif self.write_mode == "append": raise NotImplementedError("Appending to movies is not possible") # initialize the writing, setting current data shape super().start_writing(field, info=info) if info: # get spatial dimension of the video self._grid = field.grid if self._grid.num_axes == 1: width, height = field.grid.shape[0], 1 elif self._grid.num_axes == 2: width, height = field.grid.shape else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot use grid with more than two axes") # get color channel information if self.video_format == "auto": channels = field._data_flat.shape[0] video_format = FFmpeg.find_format(channels, self.bits_per_channel) if video_format is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Could not find a video format with {channels} channels and " f"{self.bits_per_channel} bits per channel." )["video_format"] = video_format else:["video_format"] = self.video_format self._format = FFmpeg.formats[["video_format"]] if field.is_complex: raise NotImplementedError("MovieStorage does not support complex values") self._frame_shape = (width, height, self._format.channels) # set up the normalization self._init_normalization(field) # set input self._logger.debug("Start ffmpeg process for `%s`", self.filename) input_args = { "format": "rawvideo", "s": f"{width}x{height}", "pixel_format": self._format.pix_fmt_data, "loglevel": self.loglevel, } f_input = ffmpeg.input("pipe:", **input_args) # set output format output_args = { "vcodec": self._format.codec, "pix_fmt": self._format.pix_fmt_file, "metadata": "comment=" + shlex.quote(self._get_metadata()), } if "264" in self._format.codec: # set extra options for the H.264 codec output_args["crf"] = "0" # Constant Rate Factor (lower = less compression) # make the H.264 codec use the full color range: output_args["bsf"] = "h264_metadata=video_full_range_flag=1" if self.bitrate > 0: # set the specified bitrate output_args["video_bitrate"] = str(self.bitrate) f_output = f_input.output(filename=self.filename, **output_args) self._ffmpeg = f_output.run_async(pipe_stdin=True) # start process if self.write_times: self._times_file ="w") # noqa: SIM115["num_frames"] = 0 self._warned_normalization = False self._state = "writing"
def _append_data(self, data: np.ndarray, time: float) -> None: """Append a new data set. Args: data (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The actual data time (float): The time point associated with the data (currently not used) """ if self._state != "writing" or self._ffmpeg is None: RuntimeError( "Writing not initialized. Call " f"`{self.__class__.__name__}.start_writing`" ) # normalization and video format have been initialized assert self._norms is not None assert self._format is not None if self._times_file: # write exact time to file self._times_file.write(f"{time}\n") else: # check whether time increases as expected t_start ="t_start") if t_start is None: t_start = 0 dt ="dt", 1) time_expect = t_start + dt *["num_frames"] if not np.isclose(time, time_expect): # discrepancy in time # noqa: SIM102 if not"time_mismatch", False): # not yet warned self._logger.warning("Time mismatch: %g != %g", time, time_expect)["time_mismatch"] = True # make sure there are two spatial dimensions grid_dim = self._grid.num_axes if grid_dim > 2: raise NotImplementedError if grid_dim == 1: data = data.reshape(data.shape + (1,)) # check spatial dimensions assert data.ndim >= 2 assert data.shape[-2:] == self._frame_shape[:2] # ensure the data has the shape extra_dim x width x height # where `extra_dim` are separated fields or capture the rank of the field if data.ndim == 2: data = data.reshape((1,) + data.shape) # explicitly scalar data elif data.ndim > 3: # collapse first dimensions, so we have three in total data = data.reshape((-1,) + data.shape[-2:]) assert len(self._frame_shape) == data.ndim == 3 assert len(self._norms) == data.shape[0] # same non-spatial dimension # map data values to frame values frame_data = np.zeros(self._frame_shape, dtype=self._format.dtype) for i, norm in enumerate(self._norms): if not self._warned_normalization: if np.any(data[i, ...] < norm.vmin) or np.any(data[i, ...] > norm.vmax): self._logger.warning( "Data outside range specified by `vmin=%g` and `vmax=%g`", norm.vmin, norm.vmax, ) self._warned_normalization = True # only warn once data_norm = norm(data[i, ...]) frame_data[..., i] = self._format.data_to_frame(data_norm) # write the new data self._ffmpeg.stdin.write(frame_data.tobytes())["num_frames"] += 1
[docs] def end_writing(self) -> None: """Finalize the storage after writing.""" if self._state != "writing": self._logger.warning("Writing was already terminated") return # writing mode was already ended self._logger.debug("End writing") self.close()
def __len__(self): """Return the number of stored items, i.e., time steps.""" if "num_frames" not in self._read_metadata() return["num_frames"] @cached_property() def times(self): """:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: The times at which data is available.""" times = None if "video_format" not in self._read_metadata() if"write_times", False): # video announces that timestamps have been written to file try: times = np.loadtxt(self._filename_times) except OSError: self._logger.warning( "Could not read time stamps from file `%s`. " "Return equidistant times instead.", self._filename_times, ) if times is None: # The times need to be re-created from the start and dt information t_start ="t_start") if t_start is None: t_start = 0 dt ="dt", 1) times = t_start + dt * np.arange(len(self)) return times def _iter_data(self) -> Iterator[np.ndarray]: """Iterate over all stored fields.""" import ffmpeg # lazy loading so it's not a hard dependence if "width" not in self._read_metadata() if self._field is None: self._init_field() assert self._field is not None self._init_normalization(self._field) assert self._norms is not None frame_shape = (["width"],["height"], self._format.channels) data_shape = (len(self._norms),["width"],["height"]) data = np.empty(data_shape, dtype=self._dtype) frame_bytes = * self._format.bytes_per_channel # iterate over entire movie f_input = ffmpeg.input(self.filename, loglevel=self.loglevel) f_output = f_input.output( "pipe:", format="rawvideo", pix_fmt=self._format.pix_fmt_data ) proc = f_output.run_async(pipe_stdout=True) while True: read_bytes = if not read_bytes: break frame = np.frombuffer(read_bytes, self._format.dtype).reshape(frame_shape) for i, norm in enumerate(self._norms): frame_data = self._format.data_from_frame(frame[:, :, i]) data[i, :, :] = norm.inverse(frame_data) yield data @property def data(self): """:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: The actual data for all times.""" it = self._iter_data() # get the iterater of all data first_frame = next(it) # get the first frame to obtain necessary information # allocate memory for all data data = np.empty((len(self),) + first_frame.shape, dtype=first_frame.dtype) data[0] = first_frame # set the first frame for i, frame_data in enumerate(it, 1): # set all subsequent frames data[i] = frame_data return data def _get_field(self, t_index: int) -> FieldBase: """Return the field corresponding to the given time index. Load the data given an index, i.e., the data at time `self.times[t_index]`. Args: t_index (int): The index of the data to load Returns: :class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`: The field class containing the grid and data """ import ffmpeg # lazy loading so it's not a hard dependence if t_index < 0: t_index += len(self) if not 0 <= t_index < len(self): raise IndexError("Time index out of range") if "width" not in self._read_metadata() if self._field is None: self._init_field() assert self._field is not None self._init_normalization(self._field) assert self._norms is not None frame_shape = (["width"],["height"], self._format.channels) data_shape = (len(self._norms),["width"],["height"]) data = np.empty(data_shape, dtype=self._dtype) # iterate over entire movie f_input = ffmpeg.input(self.filename, loglevel=self.loglevel) f_input = f_input.filter("select", f"gte(n,{t_index})") f_output = f_input.output( "pipe:", vframes=1, format="rawvideo", pix_fmt=self._format.pix_fmt_data ) read_bytes, _ = if not read_bytes: raise OSError("Could not read any data") frame = np.frombuffer(read_bytes, self._format.dtype).reshape(frame_shape) for i, norm in enumerate(self._norms): frame_data = self._format.data_from_frame(frame[:, :, i]) data[i, :, :] = norm.inverse(frame_data) # create the field with the data of the given index assert self._field is not None field = self._field.copy() = data.reshape( return field def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[FieldBase]: """Iterate over all stored fields.""" for data in self._iter_data(): # create the field with the data of the given index assert self._field is not None field = self._field.copy() = data.reshape( yield field
[docs] def items(self) -> Iterator[tuple[float, FieldBase]]: """Iterate over all times and stored fields, returning pairs.""" yield from zip(self.times, self)
[docs] @fill_in_docstring def tracker( # type: ignore self, interrupts: InterruptData = 1, *, transformation: Callable[[FieldBase, float], FieldBase] | None = None, ) -> StorageTracker: """Create object that can be used as a tracker to fill this storage. Args: interrupts: {ARG_TRACKER_INTERRUPT} transformation (callable, optional): A function that transforms the current state into a new field or field collection, which is then stored. This allows to store derived quantities of the field during calculations. The argument needs to be a callable function taking 1 or 2 arguments. The first argument always is the current field, while the optional second argument is the associated time. Returns: :class:`StorageTracker`: The tracker that fills the current storage Example: The `transformation` argument allows storing additional fields: .. code-block:: python def add_to_state(state): transformed_field = state.smooth(1) return field.append(transformed_field) storage = pde.MemoryStorage() tracker = storage.tracker(1, transformation=add_to_state) eq.solve(..., tracker=tracker) In this example, :obj:`storage` will contain a trajectory of the fields of the simulation as well as the smoothed fields. Other transformations are possible by defining appropriate :func:`add_to_state` """ interrupts = parse_interrupt(interrupts) if not (self.write_times or isinstance(interrupts, ConstantInterrupts)): self._logger.warning( "Use `write_times=True` to write times for complex interrupts" ) # store data for common case of constant intervals["dt"] = getattr(interrupts, "dt", 1)["t_start"] = getattr(interrupts, "t_start", 0) return StorageTracker( storage=self, interrupts=interrupts, transformation=transformation )