4.2 pde.grids package

Grids define the domains on which PDEs will be solved. In particular, symmetries, periodicities, and the discretizations are defined by the underlying grid.

We only consider regular, orthogonal grids, which are constructed from orthogonal coordinate systems with equidistant discretizations along each axis. The dimension of the space that the grid describes is given by the attribute dim. Cartesian coordinates can be mapped to grid coordinates and the corresponding discretization cells using the method transform().


D-dimensional Cartesian grid with unit discretization in all directions.


D-dimensional Cartesian grid with uniform discretization for each axis.


2-dimensional polar grid assuming angular symmetry.


3-dimensional spherical grid assuming spherical symmetry.


3-dimensional cylindrical grid assuming polar symmetry.

Inheritance structure of the classes:

Inheritance diagram of cartesian.UnitGrid, cartesian.CartesianGrid, spherical.PolarSymGrid, spherical.SphericalSymGrid, cylindrical.CylindricalSymGrid
