.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <david.zwicker@ds.mpg.de>
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from scipy import integrate, optimize
class DimensionError(ValueError):
"""Exception indicating that dimensions were inconsistent."""
class CoordinatesBase:
"""Base class for orthonormal coordinate systems."""
# properties that are defined in subclasses
dim: int
"""int: spatial dimension of the coordinate system"""
coordinate_limits: list[tuple[float, float]]
"""list of tuple: the limits of each coordinate axis"""
axes: list[str]
"""list: name of each coordinate axis"""
_axes_alt: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
"""dict: maps alternative names for axes to the canonical ones"""
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}()"
def _axes_alt_repl(self) -> dict[str, str]:
"""dict: replacement rules for axes names"""
res = {}
for axes_name, repl_list in self._axes_alt.items():
for axes_alt in repl_list:
res[axes_alt] = axes_name
return res
def _pos_to_cart(self, points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
# actual calculation needs to be implemented by sub-class
raise NotImplementedError
def pos_to_cart(self, points: np.ndarray, *, axis: int = -1) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert coordinates to Cartesian coordinates.
points (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
The coordinates of points in the current coordinate system
axis (int):
Determines the axis along which the coordinates of the points are given
:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: Cartesian coordinates of the points
points = np.atleast_1d(points)
if points.shape[axis] != self.dim:
raise DimensionError(f"Shape {points.shape} cannot denote points")
if axis == -1 or axis == self.dim - 1:
return self._pos_to_cart(points)
return np.apply_along_axis(self._pos_to_cart, axis, points)
def _pos_from_cart(self, points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
# actual calculation needs to be implemented by sub-class
raise NotImplementedError
def pos_from_cart(self, points: np.ndarray, *, axis: int = -1) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert Cartesian coordinates to coordinates in this system.
points (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
Points given in Cartesian coordinates.
axis (int):
Determines the axis along which the coordinates of the points are given
:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: Points given in the coordinates of this system
points = np.atleast_1d(points)
if points.shape[axis] != self.dim:
raise DimensionError(f"Shape {points.shape} cannot denote points")
if axis == -1 or axis == self.dim - 1:
return self._pos_from_cart(points)
return np.apply_along_axis(self._pos_from_cart, axis, points)
def pos_diff(self, p1: np.ndarray, p2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Return Cartesian vector(s) pointing from p1 to p2.
p1 (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
First point(s)
p2 (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
Second point(s)
:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: The difference vectors between the points with
periodic boundary conditions applied.
# deprecated since 2024-01-28
"Deprecated function. Use `pos_to_cart` instead", DeprecationWarning
return self.pos_to_cart(p2) - self.pos_to_cart(p1) # type: ignore
def distance(self, p1: np.ndarray, p2: np.ndarray, *, axis: int = -1) -> float:
"""Calculate the distance between two points.
p1 (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
First position
p2 (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
Second position
axis (int):
Determines the axis along which the coordinates of the points are given
float: Distance between the two positions
# this can be overwritten if a more efficient calculation is possible
x1 = self.pos_to_cart(p1, axis=axis)
x2 = self.pos_to_cart(p2, axis=axis)
return np.linalg.norm(x2 - x1, axis=axis) # type: ignore
def _scale_factors(self, points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
return np.diag(self.metric(points)) ** 2
def scale_factors(self, points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the scale factors at various points.
points (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
The coordinates of the points
:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: Scale factors at the points
points = np.atleast_1d(points)
if points.shape[-1] != self.dim:
raise DimensionError(f"Shape {points.shape} cannot denote points")
return self._scale_factors(points)
def _mapping_jacobian(self, points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
# Basic implementation based on finite difference, which should be overwritten
# using analytical expressions for speed and accuracy
jac = np.apply_along_axis(
lambda p: optimize.approx_fprime(p, self.pos_to_cart), 0, points
if self.dim == 1 and jac.ndim != points.ndim + 1:
# this happens with some versions of scipy, which collapses dimensions
jac = jac[..., np.newaxis]
return jac
def mapping_jacobian(self, points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns the Jacobian matrix of the coordinate mapping.
points (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
Coordinates of the point(s)
:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: The Jacobian
points = np.atleast_1d(points)
if points.shape[-1] != self.dim:
raise DimensionError(f"Shape {points.shape} cannot denote points")
return self._mapping_jacobian(points)
def _volume_factor(self, points: np.ndarray) -> ArrayLike:
# default implementation based on scale factors
return np.prod(self._scale_factors(points), axis=0) # type: ignore
def volume_factor(self, points: np.ndarray) -> ArrayLike:
"""Calculate the volume factors at various points.
points (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
Coordinates of the point(s)
:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: Volume factors at the points
points = np.atleast_1d(points)
if points.shape[-1] != self.dim:
raise DimensionError(f"Shape {points.shape} cannot denote points")
return self._volume_factor(points)
def _cell_volume(self, c_low: np.ndarray, c_high: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
# Basic implementation based on numerical integration, which should be
# overwritten if the integration can be done analytically
cell_volumes = np.empty(c_low.shape[:-1])
for i in np.ndindex(*cell_volumes.shape):
cell_volumes[i] = integrate.nquad(
lambda *x: self._volume_factor(np.array(x)), np.c_[c_low[i], c_high[i]]
return cell_volumes
def cell_volume(self, c_low: np.ndarray, c_high: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the volume between coordinate lines.
c_low (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
Lower values of the coordinate lines enclosing the volume
c_high (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
Upper values of the coordinate lines enclosing the volume
:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: Enclosed volumes for all given cells
c_low = np.atleast_1d(c_low)
if c_low.shape[-1] != self.dim:
raise DimensionError(f"Shape {c_low.shape} cannot denote points")
c_high = np.atleast_1d(c_high)
if c_high.shape[-1] != self.dim:
raise DimensionError(f"Shape {c_high.shape} cannot denote points")
return self._cell_volume(c_low, c_high)
def metric(self, points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate the metric tensor at coordinate points.
points (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
The coordinates of the points
:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: Metric tensor at the points
# This general implementation assumes that the metric is diagonal!
points = np.atleast_1d(points)
metric = np.zeros((self.dim, self.dim) + points.shape[:-1])
metric[range(self.dim), range(self.dim)] = self.scale_factors(points) ** 2
return metric
def _basis_rotation(self, points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
raise NotImplementedError
def basis_rotation(self, points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns rotation matrix rotating basis vectors to Cartesian coordinates.
points (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
Coordinates of the point(s)
:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: Rotation matrices for all points. The returned array
has the shape `(dim, dim) + points_shape`, assuming `points` has the shape
`points_shape + (dim,)`.
points = np.atleast_1d(points)
if points.shape[-1] != self.dim:
raise DimensionError(f"Shape {points.shape} cannot denote points")
return self._basis_rotation(points)
def vec_to_cart(self, points: np.ndarray, components: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert the vectors at given points to a Cartesian basis.
points (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
The coordinates of the point(s) where the vectors are specified.
components (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
The components of the vectors at the given points
:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: The vectors specified at the same position but with
components given in Cartesian coordinates.
points = np.atleast_1d(points)
if points.shape[-1] != self.dim:
raise DimensionError(f"Shape {points.shape} cannot denote points")
shape = points.shape[:-1] # shape of array describing the different points
vec_shape = (self.dim,) + shape
components = np.atleast_1d(components)
if components.shape != vec_shape:
raise DimensionError(f"`components` must have shape {vec_shape}")
# convert the basis of the vectors to Cartesian
basis = self.basis_rotation(points)
if basis.shape != (self.dim, self.dim) + shape:
raise DimensionError("Incompatible dimensions in rotation matrix")
return np.einsum("j...,ji...->i...", components, basis) # type: ignore