Source code for pde.trackers.base

"""Base classes for trackers.

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import math
import warnings
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from import Sequence
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from ..fields.base import FieldBase
from import fill_in_docstring
from import module_available
from .interrupts import InterruptData, parse_interrupt

_base_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
""":class:`logging.Logger`: Base logger for trackers."""

InfoDict = Optional[dict[str, Any]]
TrackerDataType = Union["TrackerBase", str]

[docs] class FinishedSimulation(StopIteration): """Exception for signaling that simulation finished successfully."""
[docs] class TrackerBase(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for implementing trackers.""" _logger: logging.Logger _subclasses: dict[str, type[TrackerBase]] = {} # all inheriting classes @fill_in_docstring def __init__(self, interrupts: InterruptData = 1, *, interval=None): """ Args: interrupts: {ARG_TRACKER_INTERRUPT} """ if interval is not None: # deprecated on 2023-12-23 warnings.warn( "Argument `interval` has been renamed to `interrupts`", DeprecationWarning, ) interrupts = interval self.interrupt = parse_interrupt(interrupts) def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Initialize class-level attributes of subclasses.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # create logger for this specific field class cls._logger = _base_logger.getChild(cls.__qualname__) # register all subclasses to reconstruct them later if hasattr(cls, "name"): assert != "auto" cls._subclasses[] = cls
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data: TrackerDataType, **kwargs) -> TrackerBase: """Create tracker class from given data. Args: data (str or TrackerBase): Data describing the tracker Returns: :class:`TrackerBase`: An instance representing the tracker """ if isinstance(data, TrackerBase): return data elif isinstance(data, str): try: tracker_cls = cls._subclasses[data] except KeyError as err: trackers = sorted(cls._subclasses.keys()) raise ValueError(f"Tracker `{data}` is not in {trackers}") from err return tracker_cls(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported tracker format: `{data}`.")
[docs] def initialize(self, field: FieldBase, info: InfoDict | None = None) -> float: """Initialize the tracker with information about the simulation. Args: field (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`): An example of the data that will be analyzed by the tracker info (dict): Extra information from the simulation Returns: float: The first time the tracker needs to handle data """ if info is not None: t_start = info.get("solver", {}).get("t_start", 0) else: t_start = 0 return self.interrupt.initialize(t_start)
[docs] @abstractmethod def handle(self, field: FieldBase, t: float) -> None: """Handle data supplied to this tracker. Args: field (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`): The current state of the simulation t (float): The associated time """
[docs] def finalize(self, info: InfoDict | None = None) -> None: """Finalize the tracker, supplying additional information. Args: info (dict): Extra information from the simulation """
TrackerCollectionDataType = Union[Sequence[TrackerDataType], TrackerDataType, None]
[docs] class TrackerCollection: """List of trackers providing methods to handle them efficiently. Attributes: trackers (list): List of the trackers in the collection """ tracker_action_times: list[float] """ list: Times at which the trackers need to be handled next """ time_next_action: float """ float: The time of the next interrupt of the simulation """ def __init__(self, trackers: list[TrackerBase] | None = None): """ Args: trackers: List of trackers that are to be handled. """ if trackers is None: self.trackers: list[TrackerBase] = [] elif not hasattr(trackers, "__iter__"): raise ValueError(f"`trackers` must be a list of trackers, not {trackers}") else: self.trackers = trackers # do not check trackers before everything was initialized self.tracker_action_times = [] self.time_next_action = math.inf def __len__(self) -> int: """Returns the number of trackers in the collection.""" return len(self.trackers)
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data: TrackerCollectionDataType, **kwargs) -> TrackerCollection: """Create tracker collection from given data. Args: data: Data describing the tracker collection Returns: :class:`TrackerCollection`: An instance representing the tracker collection """ if data == "auto": if module_available("tqdm"): data = ("progress", "consistency") else: data = "consistency" if data is None: trackers: list[TrackerBase] = [] elif isinstance(data, TrackerCollection): trackers = data.trackers elif isinstance(data, TrackerBase): trackers = [data] elif isinstance(data, str): trackers = [TrackerBase.from_data(data, **kwargs)] elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): # initialize trackers from a sequence trackers, interrupt_ids = [], set() for tracker in data: if tracker is not None: tracker_obj = TrackerBase.from_data(tracker) if id(tracker_obj.interrupt) in interrupt_ids: # make sure that different trackers never use the same interrupt # class, which would be problematic during iteration tracker_obj.interrupt = tracker_obj.interrupt.copy() interrupt_ids.add(id(tracker_obj.interrupt)) trackers.append(tracker_obj) else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot initialize trackers from class `{data.__class__}`") return cls(trackers)
[docs] def initialize(self, field: FieldBase, info: InfoDict | None = None) -> float: """Initialize the tracker with information about the simulation. Args: field (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`): An example of the data that will be analyzed by the tracker info (dict): Extra information from the simulation Returns: float: The first time the tracker needs to handle data """ # initialize trackers and get their action times self.tracker_action_times = [ tracker.initialize(field, info) for tracker in self.trackers ] if self.trackers: # determine next time to check trackers self.time_next_action = min(self.tracker_action_times) else: self.time_next_action = math.inf return self.time_next_action
[docs] def handle(self, state: FieldBase, t: float, atol: float = 1.0e-8) -> float: """Handle all trackers. Args: state (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`): The current state of the simulation t (float): The associated time atol (float): An absolute tolerance that is used to determine whether a tracker should be called now or whether the simulation should be carried on more timesteps. This is basically used to predict the next time to decided which one is closer. Returns: float: The next time the simulation needs to be interrupted to handle a tracker. """ # check each tracker to see whether we need to handle it stop_iteration_err = None for i, t_next in enumerate(self.tracker_action_times): if t > t_next or np.isclose(t, t_next, atol=atol, rtol=0): try: self.trackers[i].handle(state, t) except StopIteration as err: # stop iteration after all trackers have been handled stop_iteration_err = err # calculate next event (may skip some if too close) self.tracker_action_times[i] = self.trackers[i] if stop_iteration_err is not None: raise stop_iteration_err # determine next time for checking handler if self.trackers: self.time_next_action = min(self.tracker_action_times) return self.time_next_action
[docs] def finalize(self, info: InfoDict | None = None) -> None: """Finalize the tracker, supplying additional information. Args: info (dict): Extra information from the simulation """ for tracker in self.trackers: tracker.finalize(info=info)
[docs] def get_named_trackers() -> dict[str, type[TrackerBase]]: """Returns all named trackers. Returns: dict: a mapping of names to the actual tracker classes. """ return TrackerBase._subclasses.copy()