"""Defines a solver using :mod:`scipy.integrate`
.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <david.zwicker@ds.mpg.de>
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable
import numpy as np
from ..fields.base import FieldBase
from ..pdes.base import PDEBase
from ..tools.typing import BackendType
from .base import SolverBase
class ScipySolver(SolverBase):
"""PDE solver using :func:`scipy.integrate.solve_ivp`.
This class is a thin wrapper around :func:`scipy.integrate.solve_ivp`. In
particular, it supports all the methods implemented by this function and exposes its
arguments, so details can be controlled.
name = "scipy"
def __init__(self, pde: PDEBase, *, backend: BackendType = "auto", **kwargs):
pde (:class:`~pde.pdes.base.PDEBase`):
The partial differential equation that should be solved
backend (str):
Determines how the function is created. Accepted values are
'numpy` and 'numba'. Alternatively, 'auto' lets the code decide
for the most optimal backend.
All extra arguments are forwarded to :func:`scipy.integrate.solve_ivp`.
super().__init__(pde, backend=backend)
self.solver_params = kwargs
def make_stepper(
self, state: FieldBase, dt: float | None = None
) -> Callable[[FieldBase, float, float], float]:
"""Return a stepper function.
state (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`):
An example for the state from which the grid and other information can
be extracted.
dt (float):
Initial time step for the simulation. If `None`, the solver will choose
a suitable initial value.
Function that can be called to advance the `state` from time
`t_start` to time `t_end`.
if self.pde.is_sde:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot use scipy stepper for a stochastic equation")
from scipy import integrate
shape = state.data.shape
self.info["dt"] = dt
self.info["steps"] = 0
self.info["stochastic"] = False
# obtain function for evaluating the right hand side
rhs = self._make_pde_rhs(state, backend=self.backend)
def rhs_helper(t: float, state_flat: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Helper function to provide the correct call convention."""
rhs_value = rhs(state_flat.reshape(shape), t)
y = np.broadcast_to(rhs_value, shape).flat
if np.any(np.isnan(y)):
# this check is necessary, since solve_ivp does not deal correctly with
# NaN, which might result in odd error messages or even a stalled
# program
raise RuntimeError("Encountered Not-A-Number (NaN) in evolution")
return y # type: ignore
def stepper(state: FieldBase, t_start: float, t_end: float) -> float:
"""Use scipy.integrate.odeint to advance `state` from `t_start` to
if dt is not None:
self.solver_params["first_step"] = min(t_end - t_start, dt)
sol = integrate.solve_ivp(
t_span=(t_start, t_end),
t_eval=[t_end], # only store necessary data of the final time point
self.info["steps"] += sol.nfev
state.data[:] = sol.y.reshape(shape)
return sol.t[0] # type: ignore
if dt:
self._logger.info("Init %s stepper with dt=%g", self.__class__.__name__, dt)
self._logger.info("Init %s stepper", self.__class__.__name__)
return stepper