"""A Cahn-Hilliard equation.
.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <david.zwicker@ds.mpg.de>
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from ..fields import ScalarField
from ..grids.boundaries import set_default_bc
from ..grids.boundaries.axes import BoundariesData
from ..tools.docstrings import fill_in_docstring
from ..tools.numba import jit
from .base import PDEBase, expr_prod
class CahnHilliardPDE(PDEBase):
r"""A simple Cahn-Hilliard equation.
The mathematical definition is
.. math::
\partial_t c = \nabla^2 \left(c^3 - c - \gamma \nabla^2 c\right)
where :math:`c` is a scalar field taking values on the interval :math:`[-1, 1]` and
:math:`\gamma` sets the (squared) interfacial width.
explicit_time_dependence = False
default_bc_c = "auto_periodic_neumann"
"""Default boundary condition for order parameter."""
default_bc_mu = "auto_periodic_neumann"
"""Default boundary condition for chemical potential."""
def __init__(
interface_width: float = 1,
bc_c: BoundariesData | None = None,
bc_mu: BoundariesData | None = None,
interface_width (float):
The width of the interface between the separated phases. This defines
a characteristic length in the simulation. The grid needs to resolve
this length of a stable simulation.
The boundary conditions applied to the field.
The boundary conditions applied to the chemical potential associated
with the scalar field :math:`c`. Supports the same options as `bc_c`.
self.interface_width = interface_width
self.bc_c = set_default_bc(bc_c, self.default_bc_c)
self.bc_mu = set_default_bc(bc_mu, self.default_bc_mu)
def expression(self) -> str:
"""str: the expression of the right hand side of this PDE"""
return f"∇²(c³ - c - {expr_prod(self.interface_width, '∇²c')})"
def evolution_rate( # type: ignore
state: ScalarField,
t: float = 0,
) -> ScalarField:
"""Evaluate the right hand side of the PDE.
state (:class:`~pde.fields.ScalarField`):
The scalar field describing the concentration distribution
t (float):
The current time point
Scalar field describing the evolution rate of the PDE
assert isinstance(state, ScalarField), "`state` must be ScalarField"
c_laplace = state.laplace(bc=self.bc_c, label="evolution rate", args={"t": t})
result = state**3 - state - self.interface_width * c_laplace
return result.laplace(bc=self.bc_mu, args={"t": t}) # type: ignore
def _make_pde_rhs_numba( # type: ignore
self, state: ScalarField
) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float], np.ndarray]:
"""Create a compiled function evaluating the right hand side of the PDE.
state (:class:`~pde.fields.ScalarField`):
An example for the state defining the grid and data types
A function with signature `(state_data, t)`, which can be called with an
instance of :class:`~numpy.ndarray` of the state data and the time to
obtained an instance of :class:`~numpy.ndarray` giving the evolution rate.
arr_type = nb.typeof(state.data)
signature = arr_type(arr_type, nb.double)
interface_width = self.interface_width
laplace_c = state.grid.make_operator("laplace", bc=self.bc_c)
laplace_mu = state.grid.make_operator("laplace", bc=self.bc_mu)
def pde_rhs(state_data: np.ndarray, t: float):
"""Compiled helper function evaluating right hand side."""
mu = (
- state_data
- interface_width * laplace_c(state_data, args={"t": t})
return laplace_mu(mu, args={"t": t})
return pde_rhs # type: ignore