Source code for pde.visualization.plotting

"""Functions and classes for plotting simulation data.

.. autosummary::


.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import math
import time
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Union

import numpy as np

from ..fields import FieldCollection
from ..fields.base import FieldBase
from ..fields.datafield_base import DataFieldBase
from import StorageBase
from import fill_in_docstring
from import module_available
from import display_progress
from import (

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ScaleData = Union[str, float, tuple[float, float]]

def _add_horizontal_colorbar(im, ax, num_loc: int = 5) -> None:
    """Adds a horizontal colorbar for image `im` to the axis `ax`

        im: The result of calling :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`
        ax: The matplotlib axes to which the colorbar is added
        num_loc (int): Number of ticks
    from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

    fig = ax.figure
    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    cax = divider.new_vertical(size="5%", pad=0.1, pack_start=True)
    cb = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation="horizontal")
    cb.locator = MaxNLocator(num_loc)

[docs] def extract_field( fields: FieldBase, source: None | int | Callable = None, check_rank: int | None = None, ) -> DataFieldBase: """Extracts a single field from a possible collection. Args: fields (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`): The field from which data is extracted source (int or callable, optional): Determines how a field is extracted from `fields`. If `None`, `fields` is passed as is, assuming it is already a scalar field. This works for the simple, standard case where only a single :class:`~pde.fields.scalar.ScalarField` is treated. Alternatively, `source` can be an integer, indicating which field is extracted from an instance of :class:`~pde.fields.FieldCollection`. Lastly, `source` can be a function that takes `fields` as an argument and returns the desired field. check_rank (int, optional): Can be given to check whether the extracted field has the correct rank (0 = ScalarField, 1 = VectorField, ...). Returns: :class:`~pde.fields.DataFieldBase`: The extracted field """ # extract the source if source is None: field = fields elif callable(source): field = source(fields) else: if isinstance(fields, FieldCollection): field = fields[source] else: raise TypeError( f"Cannot extract component {source} from instance of " f"{fields.__class__.__name__}" ) if isinstance(field, FieldCollection): raise RuntimeError("Extract field is a collection") # test whether the rank is as expected if check_rank is not None and field.rank != check_rank: # type: ignore raise RuntimeError(f"Rank of extracted field is not {check_rank}") return field # type: ignore
[docs] class ScalarFieldPlot: """Class managing compound plots of scalar fields.""" @fill_in_docstring def __init__( self, fields: FieldBase, quantities=None, scale: ScaleData = "automatic", fig=None, title: str | None = None, tight: bool = False, show: bool = True, ): """ Args: fields (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): Collection of fields quantities: {ARG_PLOT_QUANTITIES} scale (str, float, tuple of float): {ARG_PLOT_SCALE} fig (:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure): Figure to be used for plotting. If `None`, a new figure is created. title (str): Title of the plot. tight (bool): Whether to call :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout`. This affects the layout of all plot elements. show (bool): Flag determining whether to show a plot. If `False`, the plot is kept in the background, which can be useful if it only needs to be written to a file. """ self.grid = fields.grid self.quantities = self._prepare_quantities(fields, quantities, scale=scale) = show # figure out whether plots are shown in jupyter notebook try: from ipywidgets import Output except ImportError: ipython_plot = False else: ipython_plot = if ipython_plot: # plotting is done in an ipython environment using widgets from IPython.display import display self._ipython_out = Output() with self._ipython_out: self._initialize(fields, scale, fig, title, tight) display(self._ipython_out) else: # plotting is done using a simple matplotlib backend self._ipython_out = None self._initialize(fields, scale, fig, title, tight) if self._show()
[docs] @classmethod @fill_in_docstring def from_storage( cls, storage: StorageBase, quantities=None, scale: ScaleData = "automatic", tight: bool = False, show: bool = True, ) -> ScalarFieldPlot: """Create ScalarFieldPlot from storage. Args: storage (:class:``): Instance of the storage class that contains the data quantities: {ARG_PLOT_QUANTITIES} scale (str, float, tuple of float): {ARG_PLOT_SCALE} tight (bool): Whether to call :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout`. This affects the layout of all plot elements. show (bool): Flag determining whether to show a plot. If `False`, the plot is kept in the background. Returns: :class:`~pde.visualization.plotting.ScalarFieldPlot` """ fields = storage[0] if not isinstance(fields, FieldBase): raise RuntimeError("Storage must contain fields") # prepare the data that needs to be plotted quantities = cls._prepare_quantities(fields, quantities=quantities, scale=scale) # resolve automatic scaling for quantity_row in quantities: for quantity in quantity_row: if quantity.get("scale", "automatic") == "automatic": vmin, vmax = +math.inf, -math.inf for data in storage: field = extract_field(data, quantity.get("source")) img = field.get_image_data() vmin = np.nanmin([np.nanmin(img["data"]), vmin]) vmax = np.nanmax([np.nanmax(img["data"]), vmax]) quantity["scale"] = (vmin, vmax) # actually setup return cls(fields, quantities, tight=tight, show=show)
@staticmethod @fill_in_docstring def _prepare_quantities( fields: FieldBase, quantities, scale: ScaleData = "automatic" ) -> list[list[dict[str, Any]]]: """Internal method to prepare quantities. Args: fields (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): The field containing the data to show quantities (dict): {ARG_PLOT_QUANTITIES} scale (str, float, tuple of float): {ARG_PLOT_SCALE} Returns: list of list of dict: a 2d arrangements of panels that define what quantities are shown. """ if quantities is None: # show each component by default if isinstance(fields, FieldCollection): quantities = [] for i, field in enumerate(fields): title = field.label if field.label else f"Field {i + 1}" quantity = {"title": title, "source": i, "scale": scale} quantities.append(quantity) else: quantities = [{"title": "Concentration", "source": None}] # make sure panels is a 2d array if isinstance(quantities, dict): quantities = [[quantities]] elif isinstance(quantities[0], dict): quantities = [quantities] # set the scaling for quantities where it is not yet set for row in quantities: for col in row: col.setdefault("scale", scale) return quantities # type: ignore def __del__(self): try: if hasattr(self, "fig") and self.fig: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.close(self.fig) except Exception: pass # can occur when shutting down python interpreter @fill_in_docstring def _initialize( self, fields: FieldBase, scale: ScaleData = "automatic", fig=None, title: str | None = None, tight: bool = False, ): """Initialize the plot creating the figure and the axes. Args: fields (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): Collection of fields scale (str, float, tuple of float): {ARG_PLOT_SCALE} fig (:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure): Figure to be used for plotting. If `None`, a new figure is created. title (str): Title of the plot. tight (bool): Whether to call :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout`. This affects the layout of all plot elements. """ import as cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt num_rows = len(self.quantities) num_cols = max(len(p) for p in self.quantities) example_image = fields.get_image_data() # set up the figure if fig is None: figsize = (4 * num_cols, 4 * num_rows) self.fig, self.axes = plt.subplots( num_rows, num_cols, sharey=True, squeeze=False, figsize=figsize ) else: self.fig = fig self.axes = fig.axes if title is None: title = "" self.sup_title = plt.suptitle(title) # set up all images empty = np.zeros_like(example_image["data"]) self.images: list[list[Any]] = [] for i, panel_row in enumerate(self.quantities): img_row = [] for j, panel in enumerate(panel_row): # determine scale of the panel panel_scale = panel.get("scale", scale) if panel_scale == "automatic": vmin, vmax = None, None elif panel_scale == "unity": vmin, vmax = 0, 1 elif panel_scale == "symmetric": vmin, vmax = -1, 1 else: try: vmin, vmax = panel_scale except TypeError: vmin, vmax = 0, panel_scale # determine colormap cmap = panel.get("cmap") if cmap is None: if vmin is None or vmax is None: cmap = cm.viridis # type: ignore elif np.isclose(-vmin, vmax): cmap = cm.coolwarm # type: ignore elif np.isclose(vmin, 0): cmap = cm.gray # type: ignore else: cmap = cm.viridis # type: ignore # initialize image ax = self.axes[i, j] img = ax.imshow( empty, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, extent=example_image["extent"], origin="lower", interpolation="quadric", ) _add_horizontal_colorbar(img, ax) ax.set_title(panel.get("title", "")) ax.set_xlabel(example_image["label_x"]) ax.set_ylabel(example_image["label_y"]) # store the default value alongside img._default_vmin_vmax = vmin, vmax img_row.append(img) self.images.append(img_row) if tight: # adjust layout and leave some room for title self.fig.tight_layout(rect=(0, 0.03, 1, 0.95)) def _update_data(self, fields: FieldBase, title: str | None = None) -> None: """Update the fields in the current plot. Args: fields (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): The field or field collection of which the defined quantities are shown. title (str, optional): The title of this view. If `None`, the current title is not changed. """ if not isinstance(fields, FieldBase): raise TypeError("`fields` must be of type FieldBase") if title: self.sup_title.set_text(title) # iterate over all panels and update their content for i, panel_row in enumerate(self.quantities): for j, panel in enumerate(panel_row): # obtain image data field = extract_field(fields, panel.get("source")) img_data = field.get_image_data() # set the data in the correct panel img = self.images[i][j] img.set_data(img_data["data"]) vmin, vmax = img._default_vmin_vmax if vmin is None: vmin = img_data["data"].min() if vmax is None: vmax = img_data["data"].max() img.set_clim(vmin, vmax) def _show(self): """Show the updated plot.""" if self._ipython_out: # seems to be in an ipython instance => update widget from IPython.display import clear_output, display with self._ipython_out: clear_output(wait=True) display(self.fig) # add a small pause to allow the GUI to run it's event loop time.sleep(0.01) else: # seems to be in a normal matplotlib window => update it with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # add a small pause to allow the GUI to run it's event loop import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.pause(0.01)
[docs] def update(self, fields: FieldBase, title: str | None = None) -> None: """Update the plot with the given fields. Args: fields: The field or field collection of which the defined quantities are shown. title (str, optional): The title of this view. If `None`, the current title is not changed. """ self._update_data(fields, title) if self._show()
[docs] def savefig(self, path: str, **kwargs): """Save plot to file. Args: path (str): The path to the file where the image is written. The file extension determines the image format **kwargs: Additional arguments are forwarded to :meth:`matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig`. """ self.fig.savefig(path, **kwargs)
[docs] def make_movie( self, storage: StorageBase, filename: str, progress: bool = True ) -> None: """Make a movie from the data stored in storage. Args: storage (:class:``): The storage instance that contains all the data for the movie filename (str): The filename to which the movie is written. The extension determines the format used. progress (bool): Flag determining whether the progress of making the movie is shown. """ from ..visualization.movies import Movie # create the iterator over the data if progress: data_iter = display_progress(storage.items(), total=len(storage)) else: data_iter = storage.items() with Movie(filename=filename) as movie: # iterate over all time steps for t, data in data_iter: self.update(data, title=f"Time {t:g}") movie.add_figure(self.fig)
[docs] @plot_on_axes() @fill_in_docstring def plot_magnitudes( storage: StorageBase, quantities=None, ax=None, **kwargs ) -> PlotReference: r"""Plot spatially averaged quantities as a function of time. For scalar fields, the default is to plot the average value while the averaged norm is plotted for vector fields. Args: storage: Instance of :class:`` that contains the simulation data that will be plotted quantities: {ARG_PLOT_QUANTITIES} {PLOT_ARGS} \**kwargs: All remaining parameters are forwarded to the `ax.plot` method Returns: :class:``: The reference to the plot """ if quantities is None: fields = storage[0] if not isinstance(fields, FieldBase): raise TypeError("`fields` must be of type FieldBase") if fields.label: label_base = fields.label else: label_base = kwargs.get("label", "Field") if isinstance(fields, FieldCollection): quantities = [] for i, field in enumerate(fields): if field.label: label = field.label else: label = label_base + f" {i + 1}" quantities.append({"label": label, "source": i}) else: quantities = [{"label": label_base, "source": None}] _logger.debug("Quantities: %s", quantities) # prepare data field data = [ {"label": quantity.get("label", ""), "values": []} for quantity in quantities ] # calculate the data for fields in storage: for i, quantity in enumerate(quantities): source = quantity["source"] if callable(source): value = source(fields) elif source is None: value = fields.magnitude # type: ignore else: value = fields[source].magnitude # type: ignore value *= quantity.get("scale", 1) data[i]["values"].append(value) # plot the data lines = [] times = np.asarray(storage.times) check_complex = True for d in data: kwargs["label"] = d["label"] # warn if there is an imaginary part if check_complex and np.any(np.iscomplex(d["values"])): _logger.warning("Only the real part of the complex data is shown") check_complex = False # only warn once # actually plot the data (l,) = ax.plot(times, np.real(d["values"]), **kwargs) lines.append(l) ax.set_xlabel("Time") if len(data) == 1: ax.set_ylabel(kwargs["label"]) if len(data) > 1: ax.legend(loc="best") return PlotReference(ax, lines)
def _plot_kymograph( img_data: dict[str, Any], ax, colorbar: bool = True, transpose: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> PlotReference: r"""Plots a simple kymograph from given data. Args: img_data (dict): Contains the kymograph data ax (:class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`): The axes to which the plot is added colorbar (bool): Whether to show a colorbar or not transpose (bool): Determines whether the transpose of the data should is plotted \**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Returns: :class:``: The reference to the plot """ # transpose data if requested if transpose: # avoid changing the img_data that was passed into the function extent = np.r_[img_data["extent_y"], img_data["extent_x"]] img_data = { "data": img_data["data"].T, "label_x": img_data["label_y"], "label_y": img_data["label_x"], } else: extent = np.r_[img_data["extent_x"], img_data["extent_y"]] # warn if there is an imaginary part if np.any(np.iscomplex(img_data["data"])): _logger.warning("Only the real part of the complex data is shown") # create the actual plot axes_image = ax.imshow( img_data["data"].real, extent=extent, origin="lower", **kwargs ) # adjust some settings ax.set_xlabel(img_data["label_x"]) ax.set_ylabel(img_data["label_y"]) ax.set_aspect("auto") if colorbar: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.colorbar(axes_image, ax=ax) # Note that we here do not use the method `add_scaled_colorbar` from the # `` module since this does not play well with axes with an # explicit aspect ratio. return PlotReference(ax, axes_image)
[docs] @plot_on_axes() def plot_kymograph( storage: StorageBase, field_index: int | None = None, scalar: str = "auto", extract: str = "auto", colorbar: bool = True, transpose: bool = False, ax=None, **kwargs, ) -> PlotReference: r"""Plots a single kymograph from stored data. The kymograph shows line data stacked along time. Consequently, the resulting image shows space along the horizontal axis and time along the vertical axis. Args: storage (:class:``): The storage instance that contains all the data field_index (int): An index to choose a single field out of many in a collection stored in `storage`. This option should not be used if only a single field is stored in a collection. scalar (str): The method for extracting scalars as described in :meth:`DataFieldBase.to_scalar`. extract (str): The method used for extracting the line data. See the docstring of the grid method `get_line_data` to find supported values. colorbar (bool): Whether to show a colorbar or not transpose (bool): Determines whether the transpose of the data should is plotted {PLOT_ARGS} \**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Returns: :class:``: The reference to the plot """ if len(storage) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Storage is empty") line_data_args: dict[str, Any] = {"scalar": scalar, "extract": extract} if storage.has_collection: # there are many fields in the storage if field_index is None: _logger.warning( "Showing first field since argument `field_index` is missing. Use " "`plot_kymographs` to show kymographs of multiple fields." ) else: line_data_args["index"] = field_index elif field_index is not None and field_index != 0: # there is only one field in the storage, but a field_index > 0 is given _logger.warning("`field_index` should only be set for FieldCollections") # prepare the image data for one kymograph image = [] for _, field in storage.items(): img_data = field.get_line_data(**line_data_args) image.append(img_data["data_y"]) img_data["data"] = np.array(image) img_data["extent_y"] = (storage.times[0], storage.times[-1]) img_data["label_y"] = "Time" return _plot_kymograph( img_data, ax, colorbar=colorbar, transpose=transpose, **kwargs )
[docs] @plot_on_figure() def plot_kymographs( storage: StorageBase, scalar: str = "auto", extract: str = "auto", colorbar: bool = True, transpose: bool = False, resize_fig: bool = True, fig=None, **kwargs, ) -> list[PlotReference]: r"""Plots kymographs for all fields stored in `storage` The kymograph shows line data stacked along time. Consequently, the resulting image shows space along the horizontal axis and time along the vertical axis. Args: storage (:class:``): The storage instance that contains all the data scalar (str): The method for extracting scalars as described in :meth:`DataFieldBase.to_scalar`. extract (str): The method used for extracting the line data. See the docstring of the grid method `get_line_data` to find supported values. colorbar (bool): Whether to show a colorbar or not transpose (bool): Determines whether the transpose of the data should is plotted resize_fig (bool): Whether to resize the figure to adjust to the number of panels {PLOT_ARGS} \**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the calls to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Returns: list of :class:``: The references to all plots """ if len(storage) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Storage is empty") line_data_args = {"scalar": scalar, "extract": extract} if storage.has_collection: num_fields = len(storage[0]) # type: ignore else: num_fields = 1 # prepare the image data for one kymograph images = [] for _, field in storage.items(): if storage.has_collection: image_lines = [] for f_id in range(num_fields): img_data = field.get_line_data( # type: ignore index=f_id, **line_data_args, ) image_lines.append(img_data["data_y"]) else: img_data = field.get_line_data(**line_data_args) image_lines = [img_data["data_y"]] images.append(image_lines) img_arr = np.array(images) img_data["extent_y"] = (storage.times[0], storage.times[-1]) img_data["label_y"] = "Time" # disable interactive plotting temporarily # create a plot with all the panels if resize_fig: fig.set_size_inches((4 * num_fields, 3), forward=True) axs = fig.subplots(1, num_fields, squeeze=False) # iterate over all axes and plot the kymograph refs = [] for i, ax in enumerate(axs[0]): img_data["data"] = img_arr[:, i] ref = _plot_kymograph( img_data, ax, colorbar=colorbar, transpose=transpose, **kwargs ) if storage.has_collection: ax.set_title(storage._field[i].label) # type: ignore refs.append(ref) return refs
[docs] def plot_interactive( storage: StorageBase, time_scaling: Literal["exact", "scaled"] = "exact", viewer_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **kwargs, ): r"""plots stored data interactively using the `napari <>`_ viewer Args: storage (:class:``): The storage instance that contains all the data time_scaling (str): Defines how the time axis is scaled. Possible options are "exact" (the actual time points are used), or "scaled" (the axis is scaled so that it has similar dimension to the spatial axes). Note that the spatial axes will never be scaled. viewer_args (dict): Arguments passed to :class:`napari.viewer.Viewer` to affect the viewer. **kwargs: Extra arguments passed to the plotting function """ if not module_available("napari"): raise ImportError("Require the `napari` module for interactive plotting") if len(storage) < 1: raise ValueError("Storage is empty") grid = storage.grid if grid is None: raise RuntimeError("Storage did not contain information about the grid") # collect data from all time points timecourse: dict[str, list[np.ndarray]] = {} for field in storage: layer_data = field._get_napari_data(**kwargs) if timecourse: for key, field_data in layer_data.items(): timecourse[key].append(field_data["data"]) else: for key, field_data in layer_data.items(): timecourse[key] = [field_data["data"]] # replace the data in the layer_data for key, field_data in layer_data.items(): field_data["data"] = np.array(timecourse[key]) if "scale" in field_data: if time_scaling == "exact": dt = np.diff(storage.times)[0] if len(storage) > 1 else 1 elif time_scaling == "scaled": length_scale = grid.volume ** (1 / grid.dim) dt = length_scale / len(storage) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown time scaling `{time_scaling}`") field_data["scale"] = np.r_[dt, field_data["scale"]] if viewer_args is None: viewer_args = {} viewer_args.setdefault("axis_labels", ["Time"] + grid.axes) # actually display the data using napari with napari_viewer(grid, **viewer_args) as viewer: napari_add_layers(viewer, layer_data)