Source code for pde.trackers.interactive

"""Special module for defining an interactive tracker that uses napari to display

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import platform
import queue
import signal
import time
from typing import Any

from ..fields.base import FieldBase
from import fill_in_docstring
from import napari_add_layers
from .base import InfoDict, TrackerBase
from .interrupts import InterruptData

[docs] def napari_process( data_channel: mp.Queue, initial_data: dict[str, dict[str, Any]], t_initial: float | None = None, viewer_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ): """:mod:`multiprocessing.Process` running `napari120 <>`__ Args: data_channel (:class:`multiprocessing.Queue`): queue instance to receive data to view initial_data (dict): Initial data to be shown by napari. The layers are named according to the keys in the dictionary. The associated value needs to be a tuple, where the first item is a string indicating the type of the layer and the second carries the associated data t_initial (float): Initial time viewer_args (dict): Additional arguments passed to the napari viewer """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".napari_process") try: import napari from napari.qt import thread_worker except ModuleNotFoundError: logger.error( "The `napari` python module could not be found. This module needs to be " "installed to use the interactive tracker." ) return"Start napari process") # ignore keyboard interrupts in this process signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) if viewer_args is None: viewer_args = {} # create and initialize the viewer viewer = napari.Viewer(**viewer_args) napari_add_layers(viewer, initial_data) # add time if given if t_initial is not None: from qtpy.QtWidgets import QLabel label = QLabel() label.setText(f"Time: {t_initial}") viewer.window.add_dock_widget(label) else: label = None def check_signal(msg: str | None): """Helper function that processes messages by the listener thread.""" if msg is None: return # do nothing elif msg == "close": viewer.close() else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown message from listener: {msg}") @thread_worker(connect={"yielded": check_signal}) def update_listener(): """Helper thread that listens to the data_channel.""""Start napari thread to receive data") # infinite loop waiting for events in the queue while True: # get all items from the queue and display the last update update_data = None # nothing to update yet while True: time.sleep(0.02) # read queue with 50 fps try: action, data = data_channel.get(block=False) except queue.Empty: break if action == "close":"Forced closing of napari...") yield "close" # signal to napari process to shut down break elif action == "update": update_data = data # continue running until the queue is empty else: logger.warning("Unexpected action: %s", action) # update napari view when there is data if update_data is not None: logger.debug("Update napari layer...") layer_data, t = update_data if label is not None: label.setText(f"Time: {t}") for name, data in layer_data.items(): viewer.layers[name].data = data["data"] yield # start worker thread that listens to the data_channel update_listener() # start napari"Shutting down napari process")
[docs] class NapariViewer: """Allows viewing and updating data in a separate napari process.""" def __init__(self, state: FieldBase, t_initial: float | None = None): """ Args: state (:class:`pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): The initial state to be shown t_initial (float): The initial time. If `None`, no time will be shown. """ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # pick a suitable multiprocessing if platform.system() == "Darwin": context: mp.context.BaseContext = mp.get_context("spawn") else: context = mp.get_context() # create process that runs napari self.data_channel = context.Queue() initial_data = state._get_napari_data() viewer_args = { "axis_labels": state.grid.axes, "ndisplay": 3 if state.grid.dim >= 3 else 2, } args = (self.data_channel, initial_data, t_initial, viewer_args) self.proc = context.Process(target=napari_process, args=args) # type: ignore # start the process in the background try: self.proc.start() except RuntimeError: print() print("=" * 80) print( "It looks as if the main program did not use the multiprocessing " "safe-guard, which is necessary on some platforms. Please protect the " "main code of your program in the following way:" ) print("") print(" if __name__ == '__main__':") print(" code ...") print("") print("The interactive Napari viewer could not be launched.") print("=" * 80) print() self._logger.exception("Could not launch napari process")
[docs] def update(self, state: FieldBase, t: float): """Update the state in the napari viewer. Args: state (:class:`pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): The new state t (float): Current time """ if self.proc.is_alive(): try: data = (state._get_napari_data(), t) self.data_channel.put(("update", data), block=False) except queue.Full: pass # could not write data else: with contextlib.suppress(queue.Empty): self.data_channel.get(block=False)
[docs] def close(self, force: bool = True): """Closes the napari process. Args: force (bool): Whether to force closing of the napari program. If this is `False`, this method blocks until the user closes napari manually. """ if self.proc.is_alive() and force: # signal to napari process that it should be closed with contextlib.suppress(RuntimeError): self.data_channel.put(("close", None)) self.data_channel.close() self.data_channel.join_thread() if self.proc.is_alive(): self.proc.join()
[docs] class InteractivePlotTracker(TrackerBase): """Tracker showing the state interactively in napari. Note: The interactive tracker uses the python :mod:`multiprocessing` module to run `napari <>`__ externally. The multiprocessing module has limitations on some platforms, which requires some care when writing your own programs. In particular, the main method needs to be safe-guarded so that the main module can be imported again after spawning a new process. An established pattern that works is to introduce a function `main` in your code, which you call using the following pattern .. code-block:: python def main(): # here goes your main code if __name__ == "__main__": main() The last two lines ensure that the `main` function is only called when the module is run initially and not again when it is re-imported. """ name = "interactive" @fill_in_docstring def __init__( self, interrupts: InterruptData = "0:01", *, close: bool = True, show_time: bool = False, interval=None, ): """ Args: interrupts: {ARG_TRACKER_INTERRUPT} close (bool): Flag indicating whether the napari window is closed automatically at the end of the simulation. If `False`, the tracker blocks when `finalize` is called until the user closes napari manually. show_time (bool): Whether to indicate the time """ super().__init__(interrupts=interrupts, interval=interval) self.close = close self.show_time = show_time
[docs] def initialize(self, state: FieldBase, info: InfoDict | None = None) -> float: """Initialize the tracker with information about the simulation. Args: state (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`): An example of the data that will be analyzed by the tracker info (dict): Extra information from the simulation Returns: float: The first time the tracker needs to handle data """ if self.show_time: t_initial = 0 if info is None else info.get("t_start", 0) else: t_initial = None self._viewer = NapariViewer(state, t_initial=t_initial) return super().initialize(state, info=info)
[docs] def handle(self, state: FieldBase, t: float) -> None: """Handle data supplied to this tracker. Args: state (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`): The current state of the simulation t (float): The associated time """ self._viewer.update(state, t)
[docs] def finalize(self, info: InfoDict | None = None) -> None: """Finalize the tracker, supplying additional information. Args: info (dict): Extra information from the simulation """ self._viewer.close(force=self.close)