"""Base class for defining partial differential equations.
.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <david.zwicker@ds.mpg.de>
from __future__ import annotations
import copy
import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Literal, TypeVar
import numpy as np
from ..fields import FieldCollection
from ..fields.base import FieldBase
from ..fields.datafield_base import DataFieldBase
from ..tools.numba import jit
from ..tools.typing import ArrayLike, StepperHook
from ..trackers.base import TrackerCollectionDataType
from ..solvers.base import SolverBase
from ..solvers.controller import TRangeType
TState = TypeVar("TState", FieldCollection, DataFieldBase)
class PDEBase(metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Base class for defining partial differential equations (PDEs)
Custom PDEs can be implemented by subclassing :class:`PDEBase` to specify the
evolution rate. In the simple case of deterministic PDEs, the methods
:meth:`PDEBase.evolution_rate` and :meth:`PDEBase._make_pde_rhs_numba` need to be
overwritten for supporting the `numpy` and `numba` backend, respectively.
diagnostics: dict[str, Any]
"""dict: Diagnostic information (available after the PDE has been solved)"""
check_implementation: bool = True
"""bool: Flag determining whether numba-compiled functions should be checked against
their numpy counter-parts. This can help with implementing a correct compiled
version for a PDE class."""
cache_rhs: bool = False
"""bool: Flag indicating whether the right hand side of the equation should be
cached. If True, the same implementation is used in subsequent calls to `solve`.
Note that the cache is only invalidated when the grid of the underlying state
changes. Consequently, the simulation might lead to wrong results if the parameters
of the PDE are changed after the first call. This option is thus disabled by default
and should be used with care."""
explicit_time_dependence: bool | None = None
"""bool: Flag indicating whether the right hand side of the PDE has an explicit
time dependence."""
complex_valued: bool = False
"""bool: Flag indicating whether the right hand side is a complex-valued PDE, which
requires all involved variables to have complex data type."""
def __init__(self, *, noise: ArrayLike = 0, rng: np.random.Generator | None = None):
noise (float or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`):
Variance of the additive Gaussian white noise that is supported for all
PDEs by default. If set to zero, a deterministic partial differential
equation will be solved. Different noise magnitudes can be supplied for
each field in coupled PDEs.
rng (:class:`~numpy.random.Generator`):
Random number generator (default: :func:`~numpy.random.default_rng()`)
used for stochastic simulations. Note that this random number generator
is only used for numpy function, while compiled numba code uses the
random number generator of numba. Moreover, in simulations using
multiprocessing, setting the same generator in all processes might yield
unintended correlations in the simulation results.
If more complicated noise structures are required, the methods
:meth:`PDEBase.noise_realization` and
:meth:`PDEBase._make_noise_realization_numba` need to be overwritten for the
`numpy` and `numba` backend, respectively.
self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
self._cache: dict[str, Any] = {}
self.diagnostics = {}
self.noise = np.asanyarray(noise)
self.rng = rng if rng is not None else np.random.default_rng()
def __getstate__(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
state = self.__dict__.copy()
del state["_logger"]
del state["_cache"]
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
self._cache = {}
def is_sde(self) -> bool:
"""bool: flag indicating whether this is a stochastic differential equation
The :class:`BasePDF` class supports additive Gaussian white noise, whose
magnitude is controlled by the `noise` property. In this case, `is_sde` is
`True` if `self.noise != 0`.
# check for self.noise, in case __init__ is not called in a subclass
return hasattr(self, "noise") and np.any(self.noise != 0) # type: ignore
def make_post_step_hook(self, state: FieldBase) -> tuple[StepperHook, Any]:
"""Returns a function that is called after each step.
This function receives three arugments: the current state as a numpy array, the
current time point, and a numpy array that can store data for the hook function.
The function can modify the state data in place. If the function makes use of
the data feature, it must replace the data in place.
The hook can also be used to abort the simulation when a user-defined condition
is met by raising `StopIteration`. Note that this interrupts the inner-most
loop, so that some final information might be still reflect the values they
assumed at the last tracker interrupt. Additional information (beside the
current state) should be returned by the 1post_step_data1.
The following code provides an example that creates a hook function that
limits the state to a maximal value of 1 and keeps track of the total
correction that is applied. This is achieved using `post_step_data`, which
is initialized with the second value (0) returned by the method and
incremented each time the hook is called.
.. code-block:: python
def make_post_step_hook(self, state):
def post_step_hook(state_data, t, post_step_data):
i = state_data > 1 # get violating entries
overshoot = (state_data[i] - 1).sum() # get total correction
state_data[i] = 1 # limit data entries
post_step_data += overshoot # accumulate total correction
return post_step_hook, 0. # hook function and initial value
state (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`):
An example for the state from which the grid and other information can
be extracted
tuple: The first entry is the function that implements the hook. The second
entry gives the initial data that is used as auxiallary data in the hook.
This can be `None` if no data is used.
raise NotImplementedError
def evolution_rate(self, state: TState, t: float = 0) -> TState:
"""Evaluate the right hand side of the PDE.
state (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`):
The field at the current time point
t (float):
The current time point
Field describing the evolution rate of the PDE
def _make_pde_rhs_numba(
self, state: FieldBase, **kwargs
) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float], np.ndarray]:
"""Create a compiled function for evaluating the right hand side."""
raise NotImplementedError("No backend `numba`")
def check_rhs_consistency(
state: TState,
t: float = 0,
tol: float = 1e-7,
rhs_numba: Callable | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Check the numba compiled right hand side versus the numpy variant.
state (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`):
The state for which the evolution rates should be compared
t (float):
The associated time point
tol (float):
Acceptance tolerance. The check passes if the evolution rates differ by
less then this value
rhs_numba (callable):
The implementation of the numba variant that is to be checked. If
omitted, an implementation is obtained by calling
# obtain evolution rate from the numpy implementation
res_numpy = self.evolution_rate(state.copy(), t, **kwargs).data
if not np.all(np.isfinite(res_numpy)):
"The numpy implementation of the PDE returned non-finite values."
# obtain evolution rate from the numba implementation
if rhs_numba is None:
rhs_numba = self._make_pde_rhs_numba_cached(state, **kwargs)
test_state = state.copy()
res_numba = rhs_numba(test_state.data, t)
if not np.all(np.isfinite(res_numba)):
"The numba implementation of the PDE returned non-finite values."
# compare the two implementations
msg = (
"The numba compiled implementation of the right hand side is not "
"compatible with the numpy implementation. This check can be disabled "
"by setting the class attribute `check_implementation` to `False`."
res_numba, res_numpy, err_msg=msg, rtol=tol, atol=tol, equal_nan=True
def _make_pde_rhs_numba_cached(
self, state: TState, **kwargs
) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float], np.ndarray]:
"""Create a compiled function for evaluating the right hand side.
This method implements caching and checking of the actual method, which is
defined by overwriting the method `_make_pde_rhs_numba`.
state (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`):
An example for the state from which the grid and other information can
be extracted.
callable: Function determining the right hand side of the PDE
check_implementation = self.check_implementation
if self.cache_rhs:
# support caching of the right hand side
grid_state = state.grid.state_serialized
if self._cache.get("pde_rhs_numba_state") == grid_state:
# cache was successful
self._logger.info("Use compiled rhs from cache")
check_implementation = False # skip checking to save time
# cache was not hit
self._logger.info("Write compiled rhs to cache")
self._cache["pde_rhs_numba_state"] = grid_state
self._cache["pde_rhs_numba"] = self._make_pde_rhs_numba(state, **kwargs)
rhs = self._cache["pde_rhs_numba"]
# caching was skipped
rhs = self._make_pde_rhs_numba(state, **kwargs)
if rhs is None:
raise RuntimeError("`_make_pde_rhs_numba` returned None")
if check_implementation:
self.check_rhs_consistency(state, rhs_numba=rhs, **kwargs)
return rhs # type: ignore
def make_pde_rhs(
state: TState,
backend: Literal["auto", "numpy", "numba"] = "auto",
) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float], np.ndarray]:
"""Return a function for evaluating the right hand side of the PDE.
state (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`):
An example for the state from which the grid and other information can
be extracted.
backend (str):
Determines how the function is created. Accepted values are 'numpy' and
'numba'. Alternatively, 'auto' lets the code pick the optimal backend.
callable: Function determining the right hand side of the PDE
if backend == "auto":
rhs = self._make_pde_rhs_numba_cached(state, **kwargs)
except NotImplementedError:
backend = "numpy"
rhs._backend = "numba" # type: ignore
if backend == "numpy":
# this will be called if backend was chosen explicitely or if it was set to
# "auto" and the numba compilation is not available
state = state.copy() # save this exact state for the closure
def evolution_rate_numpy(state_data: np.ndarray, t: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Evaluate the rhs given only a state without the grid."""
state.data = state_data
return self.evolution_rate(state, t, **kwargs).data
rhs = evolution_rate_numpy
rhs._backend = "numpy" # type: ignore
elif backend == "numba":
# this will not be called if backend is "auto" and numba compilation worked
rhs = self._make_pde_rhs_numba_cached(state, **kwargs)
rhs._backend = "numba" # type: ignore
elif backend != "auto":
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown backend `{backend}`. Possible values are ['auto', 'numpy', "
return rhs
def noise_realization(
self, state: TState, t: float = 0, *, label: str = "Noise realization"
) -> TState:
"""Returns a realization for the noise.
state (:class:`~pde.fields.ScalarField`):
The scalar field describing the concentration distribution
t (float):
The current time point
label (str):
The label for the returned field
Scalar field describing the evolution rate of the PDE
result: TState
if self.is_sde:
if isinstance(state, FieldCollection):
# multiple fields with potentially different noise strengths
result = state.copy(label=label)
noises_var = np.broadcast_to(self.noise, len(state))
for field, noise_var in zip(result, noises_var):
if noise_var == 0:
field.data = field.random_normal( # type: ignore
elif isinstance(state, DataFieldBase):
# a single field
noise_var = self.noise
result = state.random_normal(
raise TypeError
# no noise
result = state.copy(label=label)
result.data[:] = 0
return result
def _make_noise_realization_numba(
self, state: TState, **kwargs
) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float], np.ndarray]:
"""Return a function for evaluating the noise term of the PDE.
state (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`):
An example for the state from which the grid and other
information can be extracted
Function determining the right hand side of the PDE
if self.is_sde:
data_shape: tuple[int, ...] = state.data.shape
noise_var: float
cell_volume: Callable[[int], float] = state.grid.make_cell_volume_compiled(
if state.dtype != float:
raise TypeError("Noise is only supported for float types")
if isinstance(state, FieldCollection):
# different noise strengths, assuming one for each field
noises_var: np.ndarray = np.empty(data_shape[0])
for n, noise_var in enumerate(np.broadcast_to(self.noise, len(state))):
noises_var[state._slices[n]] = noise_var
def noise_realization(state_data: np.ndarray, t: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Helper function returning a noise realization."""
out = np.empty(data_shape)
for n in range(len(state_data)):
if noises_var[n] == 0:
for i in range(state_data[n].size):
scale = noises_var[n] / cell_volume(i)
out[n].flat[i] = np.sqrt(scale) * np.random.randn()
return out
# a single noise value is given for all fields
noise_var = float(self.noise)
def noise_realization(state_data: np.ndarray, t: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Helper function returning a noise realization."""
out = np.empty(state_data.shape)
for i in range(state_data.size):
scale = noise_var / cell_volume(i)
out.flat[i] = np.sqrt(scale) * np.random.randn()
return out
def noise_realization(state_data: np.ndarray, t: float) -> None:
"""Helper function returning a noise realization."""
return None
return noise_realization # type: ignore
def _make_sde_rhs_numba(
self, state: TState, **kwargs
) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float], tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
"""Return a function for evaluating the noise term of the PDE.
state (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`):
An example for the state from which the grid and other information can
be extracted
Function determining the right hand side of the PDE
evolution_rate = self._make_pde_rhs_numba_cached(state, **kwargs)
noise_realization = self._make_noise_realization_numba(state, **kwargs)
def sde_rhs(state_data: np.ndarray, t: float) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Compiled helper function returning a noise realization."""
return (evolution_rate(state_data, t), noise_realization(state_data, t))
return sde_rhs # type: ignore
def _make_sde_rhs_numba_cached(
self, state: TState, **kwargs
) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float], tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
"""Create a compiled function for evaluating the noise term of the PDE.
state (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`):
An example for the state from which information can be extracted
This method implements caching and checking of the actual method, which is
defined by overwriting the method `_make_pde_rhs_numba`.
if self.cache_rhs:
# support caching of the noise term
grid_state = state.grid.state_serialized
if self._cache.get("sde_rhs_numba_state") == grid_state:
# cache was successful
self._logger.info("Use compiled noise term from cache")
# cache was not hit
self._logger.info("Write compiled noise term to cache")
self._cache["sde_rhs_numba_state"] = grid_state
self._cache["sde_rhs_numba"] = self._make_sde_rhs_numba(state, **kwargs)
sde_rhs = self._cache["sde_rhs_numba"]
# caching was skipped
sde_rhs = self._make_sde_rhs_numba(state, **kwargs)
return sde_rhs # type: ignore
def make_sde_rhs(
state: TState,
backend: Literal["auto", "numpy", "numba"] = "auto",
) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float], tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
"""Return a function for evaluating the right hand side of the SDE.
state (:class:`~pde.fields.FieldBase`):
An example for the state from which information can be extracted
backend (str):
Determines how the function is created. Accepted values are 'numpy' and
'numba'. Alternatively, 'auto' lets the code pick the optimal backend.
Function determining the deterministic part of the right hand side of the
PDE together with a noise realization.
if backend == "auto":
sde_rhs = self._make_sde_rhs_numba_cached(state, **kwargs)
except NotImplementedError:
backend = "numpy"
sde_rhs._backend = "numba" # type: ignore
return sde_rhs
if backend == "numba":
sde_rhs = self._make_sde_rhs_numba_cached(state, **kwargs)
sde_rhs._backend = "numba" # type: ignore
elif backend == "numpy":
state = state.copy()
def sde_rhs(
state_data: np.ndarray, t: float
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Evaluate the rhs given only a state without the grid."""
state.data = state_data
return (
self.evolution_rate(state, t, **kwargs).data,
self.noise_realization(state, t, **kwargs).data,
sde_rhs._backend = "numpy" # type: ignore
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported backend `{backend}`")
return sde_rhs
def solve(
state: TState,
t_range: TRangeType,
dt: float | None = None,
tracker: TrackerCollectionDataType = "auto",
solver: str | SolverBase = "explicit",
ret_info: bool = False,
) -> None | TState | tuple[TState | None, dict[str, Any]]:
"""Solves the partial differential equation.
The method constructs a suitable solver (:class:`~pde.solvers.base.SolverBase`)
and controller (:class:`~pde.controller.Controller`) to advance the state over
the temporal range specified by `t_range`. This method only exposes the most
common functions, so explicit construction of these classes might offer more
state (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`):
The initial state (which also defines the spatial grid).
t_range (float or tuple):
Sets the time range for which the PDE is solved. This should typically
be a tuple of two numbers, `(t_start, t_end)`, specifying the initial
and final time of the simulation. If only a single value is given, it is
interpreted as `t_end` and the time range is `(0, t_end)`.
dt (float):
Time step of the chosen stepping scheme. If `None`, a default value
based on the stepper will be chosen. If an adaptive stepper is used
(supported by :class:`~pde.solvers.ScipySolver` and
:class:`~pde.solvers.ExplicitSolver`), `dt` sets the initial time step.
Defines trackers that process the state of the simulation at specified
times. A tracker is either an instance of
:class:`~pde.trackers.base.TrackerBase` or a string identifying a
tracker (possible identifiers can be obtained by calling
:func:`~pde.trackers.base.get_named_trackers`). Multiple trackers can be
specified as a list. The default value `auto` checks the state for
consistency (tracker 'consistency') and displays a progress bar (tracker
'progress') when :mod:`tqdm` is installed. More general trackers are
defined in :mod:`~pde.trackers`, where all options are explained in
detail. In particular, the time points where the tracker analyzes data
can be chosen when creating a tracker object explicitly.
solver (:class:`~pde.solvers.base.SolverBase` or str):
Specifies the method for solving the differential equation. This can
either be an instance of :class:`~pde.solvers.base.SolverBase` or a
descriptive name like 'explicit' or 'scipy'. The valid names are given
by :meth:`pde.solvers.registered_solvers`. Details of the solvers and
additional features (like adaptive time steps) are explained in
ret_info (bool):
Flag determining whether diagnostic information about the solver process
should be returned. Note that the same information is also available
as the :attr:`~PDEBase.diagnostics` attribute.
Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the solver class chosen
with the `solver` argument. In particular,
:class:`~pde.solvers.explicit.ExplicitSolver` supports several `schemes`
and an adaptive stepper can be enabled using :code:`adaptive=True`.
Conversely, :class:`~pde.solvers.ScipySolver` accepts the additional
arguments of :func:`scipy.integrate.solve_ivp`.
The state at the final time point. If `ret_info == True`, a tuple with the
final state and a dictionary with additional information is returned. Note
that `None` instead of a field is returned in multiprocessing simulations if
the current node is not the main MPI node.
from ..solvers import Controller
from ..solvers.base import SolverBase # @Reimport
# create solver instance
if callable(solver):
solver_obj = solver(pde=self, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(solver_obj, SolverBase):
self._logger.warning("Solver is not an instance of `SolverBase`.")
elif isinstance(solver, str):
solver_obj = SolverBase.from_name(solver, pde=self, **kwargs)
raise TypeError(f"Solver {solver} is not supported")
# create controller instance
controller = Controller(solver_obj, t_range=t_range, tracker=tracker)
# run the simulation
final_state = controller.run(state, dt)
# copy diagnostic information to the PDE instance
if hasattr(self, "diagnostics"):
self.diagnostics = copy.copy(controller.diagnostics)
if ret_info:
# return a copy of the diagnostic information so it will not be overwritten
# by a repeated call to `solve()`.
return final_state, copy.deepcopy(self.diagnostics)
return final_state
def expr_prod(factor: float, expression: str) -> str:
"""Helper function for building an expression with an (optional) pre-factor.
factor (float): The value of the prefactor
expression (str): The remaining expression
str: The expression with the factor appended if necessary
if factor == 0:
return "0"
elif factor == 1:
return expression
elif factor == -1:
return "-" + expression
return f"{factor:g} * {expression}"