Source code for pde.grids.boundaries.axes

r"""This module handles the boundaries of all axes of a grid.

.. autosummary::


.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import logging
import warnings
from import Iterator, Sequence
from typing import Any, Callable, Union

import numpy as np
from numba.extending import register_jitable

from ... import config
from import jit
from import GhostCellSetter
from ..base import GridBase, PeriodicityError
from .axis import BoundaryAxisBase, BoundaryPair, BoundaryPairData, get_boundary_axis
from .local import BCBase, BCDataError, BoundaryData

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
""":class:`logging.Logger`: Logger instance."""

BoundariesData = Union[
    BoundaryPairData, Sequence[BoundaryPairData], Callable, "BoundariesBase"

BC_LOCAL_KEYS = ["type", "value"] + list(BCBase._conditions.keys())

def _is_local_bc_data(data: dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
    """Tries to identify whether data specifies a local boundary condition."""
    return any(key in data for key in BC_LOCAL_KEYS)

[docs] class BoundariesBase: """Base class keeping information about how to set conditions on all boundaries."""
[docs] def set_ghost_cells(self, data_full: np.ndarray, *, args=None) -> None: """Set the ghost cells for all boundaries. Args: data_full (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The full field data including ghost points set_corners (bool): Determines whether the corner cells are set using interpolation args: Additional arguments that might be supported by special boundary conditions. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def make_ghost_cell_setter(self) -> GhostCellSetter: """Return function that sets the ghost cells on a full array. Returns: Callable with signature :code:`(data_full: np.ndarray, args=None)`, which sets the ghost cells of the full data, potentially using additional information in `args` (e.g., the time `t` during solving a PDE) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data, **kwargs) -> BoundariesBase: r"""Creates all boundaries from given data. Args: data (str or dict or callable): Data that describes the boundaries. If this is a callable, we create :class:`~pde.grids.boundaries.axes.BoundariesSetter`. In all other, cases :class:`~pde.grids.boundaries.axes.BoundariesList` is created and `data` can either be string denoting a specific boundary condition applied to all sides or a dictionary with detailed information. **kwargs: In some cases additional data can be specified or is even required. For instance, :class:`~pde.grids.boundaries.axes.BoundariesList` expects a `grid` (:class:`~pde.grids.base.GridBase`): to which the boundary condition are associated, and it can use a `rank` (int), which sets the tensorial rank of the field for this boundary condition. """ # check whether this is already of the correct type if isinstance(data, BoundariesBase): return data.__class__.from_data(data, **kwargs) # best guess based on the data: if callable(data): return BoundariesSetter.from_data(data) else: return BoundariesList.from_data(data, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_help(cls) -> str: """Return information on how boundary conditions can be set.""" return ( 'Boundary conditions for each axis are set using a dictionary: {"x": bc_x, ' '"y-": bc_y_lower, "y+": bc_y_upper}. If the associated axis is periodic, ' 'the boundary condition needs to be set to "periodic". Otherwise, ' + BCBase.get_help() )
[docs] class BoundariesList(BoundariesBase): """Defines boundary conditions for all axes individually.""" def __init__(self, boundaries: list[BoundaryAxisBase]): """Initialize with a list of boundaries.""" if len(boundaries) == 0: raise BCDataError("List of boundaries must not be empty") # extract grid self.grid = boundaries[0].grid # check dimension if len(boundaries) != self.grid.num_axes: raise BCDataError(f"Need boundary conditions for {self.grid.num_axes} axes") # check consistency for axis, boundary in enumerate(boundaries): if boundary.grid != self.grid: raise BCDataError("BoundariesList are not defined on the same grid") if boundary.axis != axis: raise BCDataError( "BoundariesList need to be ordered like the respective axes" ) if boundary.periodic != self.grid.periodic[axis]: raise PeriodicityError( "Periodicity specified in the boundaries conditions is not " f"compatible with the grid ({boundary.periodic} != " f"{self.grid.periodic[axis]} for axis {axis})" ) # create the list of boundaries self._axes: list[BoundaryAxisBase] = boundaries @classmethod def _parse_from_dict( cls, data: dict[str, Any], *, grid: GridBase, rank: int = 0, **kwargs ) -> list[BoundaryAxisBase]: """Creates all boundaries from given data in dictionary format. Args: data (dict): Data that describes the boundaries using a dictionary. grid (:class:`~pde.grids.base.GridBase`): The grid with which the boundary condition is associated rank (int): The tensorial rank of the field for this boundary condition """ if config["boundaries.accept_lists"] and ("low" in data or "high" in data): # check for legacy format that has been deprecated on 2024-11-23 warnings.warn( "Deprecated format for boundary conditions." + cls.get_help(), DeprecationWarning, ) return [ get_boundary_axis(grid, i, data, rank=rank) for i in range(grid.num_axes) ] if _is_local_bc_data(data): # detected identifier signifying that a single condition was specified # -> create the same boundary condition for all axes return [ get_boundary_axis(grid, i, data, rank=rank) for i in range(grid.num_axes) ] # else: assume that boundary conditions are given for separate axes # initialize boundary data with wildcard default data = data.copy() # we want to modify this dictionary bc_all = data.pop("*", None) bc_data = [[bc_all, bc_all] for _ in range(grid.num_axes)] bc_seen = [[False, False] for _ in range(grid.num_axes)] # check specific boundary conditions for all axes for ax, ax_name in enumerate(grid.axes): # overwrite boundaries whose axes are given if bc_axes := data.pop(ax_name, None): bc_data[ax] = [bc_axes, bc_axes] # overwrite specific conditions for one side if bc_lower := data.pop(ax_name + "-", None): bc_data[ax][0] = bc_lower bc_seen[ax][0] = True if bc_upper := data.pop(ax_name + "+", None): bc_data[ax][1] = bc_upper bc_seen[ax][1] = True # overwrite conditions for named boundaries for name, (ax, upper) in grid.boundary_names.items(): if bc := data.pop(name, None): if bc_seen[ax][upper]: _logger.warning("Duplicate BC data for axis %s%s", ax, "-+"[upper]) bc_data[ax][upper] = bc bc_seen[ax][upper] = True # warn if some keys were left over if data: _logger.warning("Didn't use BC data from %s", list(data.keys())) # find boundary conditions that have not been specified bcs_unspecified = [] for ax, bc_ax in enumerate(bc_data): for i, bc_side in enumerate(bc_ax): if bc_side is None: bcs_unspecified.append(grid.axes[ax] + "-+"[i]) if bcs_unspecified: _logger.warning("Didn't specified BCs for %s", bcs_unspecified) # create the actual boundary conditions _logger.debug("Parsed BCs as %s", bc_data) bcs = [ get_boundary_axis(grid, i, tuple(boundary), rank=rank) for i, boundary in enumerate(bc_data) ] return bcs
[docs] @classmethod def from_data( # type: ignore cls, data, *, grid: GridBase, rank: int = 0, **kwargs ) -> BoundariesList: """Creates all boundaries from given data. Args: data (str or dict): Data that describes the boundaries. This should either be a string naming a boundary condition or a dictionary with detailed information. grid (:class:`~pde.grids.base.GridBase`): The grid with which the boundary condition is associated rank (int): The tensorial rank of the field for this boundary condition """ # distinguish different possible data formats based on their type if isinstance(data, BoundariesList): # boundaries are already in the correct format if data.grid._mesh is not None: # we need to exclude this case since otherwise we get into a rabbit hole # where it is not clear what grid boundary conditions belong to. The # idea is that users only create boundary conditions for the full grid # and that the splitting onto subgrids is only done once, automatically, # and without involving calls to `from_data` raise ValueError("Cannot create MPI subgrid BC from data") if data.grid != grid: raise ValueError( "The grid of the supplied boundary condition is incompatible with " f"the current grid ({data.grid!r} != {grid!r})" ) data.check_value_rank(rank) return data elif isinstance(data, BoundariesBase): # data seems to be given as another base class, which indicates problems raise TypeError( "Can only use type `BoundariesList`. Use `BoundariesBase.from_data` " "for more general data." ) elif isinstance(data, str): # a string implies the same boundary condition for all axes if data.startswith("auto_periodic_"): # initialize boundary condition that could be periodic bc = data[len("auto_periodic_") :] bcs = [ get_boundary_axis(grid, i, "periodic" if per else bc, rank=rank) for i, per in enumerate(grid.periodic) ] else: # assume the same boundary condition for all axes bcs = [ get_boundary_axis(grid, i, data, rank=rank) for i in range(grid.num_axes) ] elif isinstance(data, dict): # dictionaries can either specify boundary conditions for separate sides or # they can specify a single boundary condition that is used on all sides bcs = cls._parse_from_dict(data, grid=grid, rank=rank) elif config["boundaries.accept_lists"] and hasattr(data, "__len__"): # sequences have been deprecated on 2024-11-23 warnings.warn( "Deprecated format for boundary conditions." + cls.get_help(), DeprecationWarning, ) if len(data) == grid.num_axes: # assume that data is given for each boundary bcs = [ get_boundary_axis(grid, i, boundary, rank=rank) for i, boundary in enumerate(data) ] elif grid.num_axes == 1 and len(data) == 2: # special case where the two sides can be specified directly bcs = [get_boundary_axis(grid, 0, data, rank=rank)] else: raise BCDataError( f"Got {len(data)} boundary conditions, but grid has " f"{grid.num_axes} axes." + cls.get_help() ) else: # unknown format raise BCDataError( f"Unsupported boundary format: `{data}`. " + cls.get_help() ) return BoundariesList(bcs)
def __str__(self): items = ", ".join(str(item) for item in self) return f"[{items}]" def __len__(self): return len(self._axes) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[BoundaryAxisBase]: yield from self._axes def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BoundariesList): return NotImplemented return self.grid == other.grid and self._axes == other._axes def __ne__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BoundariesList): return NotImplemented return self.grid != other.grid or self._axes != other._axes @property def boundaries(self) -> Iterator[BCBase]: """Iterator over all non-periodic boundaries.""" for boundary_axis in self._axes: # iterate all axes if not boundary_axis.periodic: # skip periodic axes yield from boundary_axis
[docs] def check_value_rank(self, rank: int) -> None: """Check whether the values at the boundaries have the correct rank. Args: rank (int): The tensorial rank of the field for this boundary condition Throws: RuntimeError: if any value does not have rank `rank` """ for b in self._axes: b.check_value_rank(rank)
[docs] def copy(self) -> BoundariesList: """Create a copy of the current boundaries.""" return self.__class__([bc.copy() for bc in self._axes])
@property def periodic(self) -> list[bool]: """:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: a boolean array indicating which dimensions are periodic according to the boundary conditions.""" return self.grid.periodic def __getitem__(self, index): """Extract specific boundary conditions. Args: index (int or str): Index can either be a number or an axes name, indicating the axes of which conditions are returned. Alternatively, `index` can be a named boundary whose conditions will then be returned """ if isinstance(index, str): # assume that the index is a known identifier if index in self.grid.boundary_names: # found a known boundary axis, upper = self.grid.boundary_names[index] return self._axes[axis][upper] # check all axes for ax, ax_name in enumerate(self.grid.axes): if index == ax_name: return self._axes[ax] if index == ax_name + "-": return self._axes[ax][False] if index == ax_name + "+": return self._axes[ax][True] # found nothing raise KeyError(index) else: # handle all other cases, in particular integer indices return self._axes[index] def __setitem__(self, index, data) -> None: """Set specific boundary conditions. Args: index (int or str): Index can either be a number or an axes name, indicating the axes of which conditions are returned. Alternatively, `index` can be a named boundary whose conditions will then be returned data: Data describing the boundary conditions for this axis or side """ if isinstance(index, str): # assume that the index is a known identifier if index in self.grid.boundary_names: # set a specific boundary side ax, upper = self.grid.boundary_names[index] self._axes[ax][upper] = data else: # check all axes for ax, ax_name in enumerate(self.grid.axes): if index == ax_name: # found just the axis -> set both sides self._axes[ax] = get_boundary_axis( grid=self.grid, axis=ax, data=data, rank=self[ax].rank ) break if index == ax_name + "-": # found lower part of the axis self._axes[ax][False] = data break if index == ax_name + "+": # found upper part of the axis self._axes[ax][True] = data break else: raise KeyError(index) else: # handle all other cases, in particular integer indices self._axes[index] = data
[docs] def get_mathematical_representation(self, field_name: str = "C") -> str: """Return mathematical representation of the boundary condition.""" result: list[str] = [] for b in self._axes: try: result.extend(b.get_mathematical_representation(field_name)) except NotImplementedError: axis_name = self.grid.axes[b.axis] result.append(f"Representation not implemented for axis {axis_name}") return "\n".join(result)
[docs] def set_ghost_cells( self, data_full: np.ndarray, *, set_corners: bool = False, args=None ) -> None: """Set the ghost cells for all boundaries. Args: data_full (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The full field data including ghost points set_corners (bool): Determines whether the corner cells are set using interpolation args: Additional arguments that might be supported by special boundary conditions. """ for b in self: b.set_ghost_cells(data_full, args=args) if set_corners and self.grid.num_axes >= 2: d = data_full # abbreviation nxt = [1, -2] # maps 0 to 1 and -1 to -2 to obtain neighboring cells if self.grid.num_axes == 2: # iterate all corners for i, j in itertools.product([0, -1], [0, -1]): d[..., i, j] = (d[..., nxt[i], j] + d[..., i, nxt[j]]) / 2 elif self.grid.num_axes == 3: # iterate all edges for i, j in itertools.product([0, -1], [0, -1]): d[..., :, i, j] = (+d[..., :, nxt[i], j] + d[..., :, i, nxt[j]]) / 2 d[..., i, :, j] = (+d[..., nxt[i], :, j] + d[..., i, :, nxt[j]]) / 2 d[..., i, j, :] = (+d[..., nxt[i], j, :] + d[..., i, nxt[j], :]) / 2 # iterate all corners for i, j, k in itertools.product(*[[0, -1]] * 3): d[..., i, j, k] = ( d[..., nxt[i], j, k] + d[..., i, nxt[j], k] + d[..., i, j, nxt[k]] ) / 3 elif self.grid.num_axes > 3: raise NotImplementedError( f"Can't interpolate corners for grid with {self.grid.num_axes} axes" )
[docs] def make_ghost_cell_setter(self) -> GhostCellSetter: """Return function that sets the ghost cells on a full array.""" ghost_cell_setters = tuple(b.make_ghost_cell_setter() for b in self) # TODO: use numba.literal_unroll # # get the setters for all axes # # from import jit # # @jit # def set_ghost_cells(data_full: np.ndarray, args=None) -> None: # for f in nb.literal_unroll(ghost_cell_setters): # f(data_full, args=args) # # return set_ghost_cells def chain( fs: Sequence[GhostCellSetter], inner: GhostCellSetter | None = None ) -> GhostCellSetter: """Helper function composing setters of all axes recursively.""" first, rest = fs[0], fs[1:] if inner is None: @register_jitable def wrap(data_full: np.ndarray, args=None) -> None: first(data_full, args=args) else: @register_jitable def wrap(data_full: np.ndarray, args=None) -> None: inner(data_full, args=args) first(data_full, args=args) if rest: return chain(rest, wrap) else: return wrap # type: ignore return chain(ghost_cell_setters)
[docs] class BoundariesSetter(BoundariesBase): """Represents a function that sets ghost cells to determine boundary conditions. The function must have accept a :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, which contains the full field data including the ghost points, and a second, optional argument, which is a dictionary containing additional parameters, like the current time point `t` in case of a simulation. Example: Here is an example for a simple boundary setter, which sets specific boundary conditions in the x-direction and periodic conditions in the y-direction of a grid with two axes. Note that this boundary condition will not work for grids with other number of axes and no additional checks are performed. .. code-block:: python def setter(data, args=None): data[0, :] = data[1, :] # Vanishing derivative at left side data[-1, :] = 2 - data[-2, :] # Fixed value `1` at right side data[:, 0] = data[:, -2] # Periodic BC at top data[:, -1] = data[:, 1] # Periodic BC at bottom """ def __init__(self, setter: GhostCellSetter): self._setter = setter
[docs] @classmethod def from_data(cls, data, **kwargs) -> BoundariesSetter: """Creates all boundaries from given data. Args: data (callable): Function that sets the ghost cells """ # check whether this is already the correct class if isinstance(data, BoundariesSetter): # boundaries are already in the correct format return data elif isinstance(data, BoundariesBase): raise TypeError( "Can only use type `BoundariesSetter`. Use `BoundariesBase.from_data` " "for more general data." ) return BoundariesSetter(data)
[docs] def set_ghost_cells(self, data_full: np.ndarray, *, args=None) -> None: """Set the ghost cells for all boundaries. Args: data_full (:class:`~numpy.ndarray`): The full field data including ghost points set_corners (bool): Determines whether the corner cells are set using interpolation args: Additional arguments that might be supported by special boundary conditions. """ self._setter(data_full, args=args)
[docs] def make_ghost_cell_setter(self) -> GhostCellSetter: """Return function that sets the ghost cells on a full array. Returns: Callable with signature :code:`(data_full: np.ndarray, args=None)`, which sets the ghost cells of the full data, potentially using additional information in `args` (e.g., the time `t` during solving a PDE) """ return jit(self._setter) # type: ignore
[docs] def set_default_bc( bc_data: BoundariesData | None, default: BoundaryData ) -> BoundariesData: """Set a default boundary condition. Args: bc_data (str or list or tuple or dict or callable): User-supplied data specifying boundary conditions default: Default condition that should be imposed where user conditions are not given Returns: Modified `bc_data` with added defaults """ if bc_data is None: bc_data = default elif isinstance(bc_data, dict) and not _is_local_bc_data(bc_data): # set default when boundary conditions for axes are specified bc_data.setdefault("*", default) return bc_data