Source code for

Handling mathematical expressions with sympy

This module provides classes representing expressions that can be provided as 
human-readable strings and are converted to :mod:`numpy` and :mod:`numba`
representations using :mod:`sympy`.

.. autosummary::

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <> 

from __future__ import annotations

import builtins
import copy
import json
import logging
import numbers
import re
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import numba as nb  # lgtm [py/import-and-import-from]
import numpy as np
import sympy
from sympy.core import basic
from sympy.printing.pycode import PythonCodePrinter
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import _get_namespace

from ..fields.base import FieldBase
from .cache import cached_method, cached_property
from .docstrings import fill_in_docstring
from .misc import Number, classproperty, number, number_array
from .numba import convert_scalar, jit
from .typing import NumberOrArray

    from numba.core.extending import overload
except ImportError:
    # assume older numba module structure
    from numba.extending import overload

[docs]@fill_in_docstring def parse_number( expression: Union[str, Number], variables: Mapping[str, Number] = None ) -> Number: r"""return a number compiled from an expression Warning: {WARNING_EXEC} Args: expression (str or Number): An expression that can be interpreted as a number variables (dict): A dictionary of values that replace variables in the expression Returns: Number: the calculated value """ from sympy.parsing import sympy_parser if variables is None: variables = {} expr = sympy_parser.parse_expr(str(expression)) try: value = number(expr.subs(variables)) except TypeError as err: if not err.args: err.args = ("",) err.args = err.args + (f"Expression: `{expr}`",) raise return value
def _heaviside_implemention(x1, x2=0.5): """implementation of the Heaviside function used for numba and sympy Args: x1 (float): Argument of the function x2 (float): Value returned when the argument is zero Returns: float: 0 if x1 is negative, 1 if x1 is positive, and x2 if x1 == 0 """ if np.isnan(x1): return np.nan elif x1 == 0: return x2 elif x1 < 0: return 0.0 else: return 1.0 @overload(np.heaviside) def np_heaviside(x1, x2): """numba implementation of the heaviside function""" return _heaviside_implemention # special functions that we want to support in expressions but that are not defined by # sympy version 1.6 or have a different signature than expected by numba/numpy SPECIAL_FUNCTIONS = {"Heaviside": _heaviside_implemention} class ListArrayPrinter(PythonCodePrinter): """special sympy printer returning arrays as lists""" def _print_ImmutableDenseNDimArray(self, arr): arrays = ", ".join(f"{self._print(expr)}" for expr in arr) return f"[{arrays}]" class NumpyArrayPrinter(PythonCodePrinter): """special sympy printer returning numpy arrays""" def _print_ImmutableDenseNDimArray(self, arr): arrays = ", ".join(f"asarray({self._print(expr)})" for expr in arr) return f"array(broadcast_arrays({arrays}))" ExpressionType = Union[float, str, np.ndarray, basic.Basic, "ExpressionBase"]
[docs]class ExpressionBase(metaclass=ABCMeta): """abstract base class for handling expressions""" @fill_in_docstring def __init__( self, expression: basic.Basic, signature: Sequence[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, *, user_funcs: Dict[str, Any] = None, consts: Dict[str, Any] = None, ): """ Warning: {WARNING_EXEC} Args: expression (:class:`sympy.core.basic.Basic`): A sympy expression or array. This could for instance be an instance of :class:`~sympy.core.expr.Expr` or :class:`~sympy.tensor.array.ndim_array.NDimArray`. signature (list of str, optional): The signature defines which variables are expected in the expression. This is typically a list of strings identifying the variable names. Individual names can be specified as list, in which case any of these names can be used. The first item in such a list is the definite name and if another name of the list is used, the associated variable is renamed to the definite name. If signature is `None`, all variables in `expressions` are allowed. user_funcs (dict, optional): A dictionary with user defined functions that can be used in the expression. consts (dict, optional): A dictionary with user defined constants that can be used in the expression. The values of these constants should either be numbers or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`. """ try: self._sympy_expr = sympy.simplify(expression) except TypeError: # work-around for sympy bug ( self._sympy_expr = expression self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.user_funcs = {} if user_funcs is None else user_funcs self.consts = {} if consts is None else consts # check consistency of the arguments self._check_signature(signature) for name, value in self.consts.items(): if isinstance(value, FieldBase): self._logger.warning( f"Constant `{name}` is a field, but expressions usually require " f"numerical arrays. Did you mean to use `{name}.data`?" ) def __repr__(self): return ( f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{self.expression}", ' f"signature={self.vars})" ) def __eq__(self, other): """compare this expression to another one""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented # compare what the expressions depend on if set(self.vars) != set(other.vars): return False # compare the auxiliary data if self.user_funcs != other.user_funcs or self.consts != other.consts: return False # compare the expressions themselves by checking their difference diff = sympy.simplify(self._sympy_expr - other._sympy_expr) if isinstance(self._sympy_expr, sympy.NDimArray): return diff == sympy.Array(np.zeros(self._sympy_expr.shape)) else: return diff == 0 @classproperty def _reserved_symbols(self) -> Set[str]: """set: reserved sympy symbols that should not be used in expressions""" try: # try returning a cached version of the list return ExpressionBase._reserved_symbols_cache # type: ignore except AttributeError: # the cache was not present => load list from resources module_path = Path(__file__).resolve().parent resource_path = module_path / "resources" / "reserved_sympy_symbols.json" try: with open(resource_path) as f: ExpressionBase._reserved_symbols_cache = set(json.load(f)) # type: ignore except (IOError, OSError): # cannot read the file, so return a minimal list ExpressionBase._reserved_symbols_cache = {"E", "I", "pi"} # type: ignore return ExpressionBase._reserved_symbols_cache # type: ignore
[docs] @classmethod def check_reserved_symbols( cls, symbols: Iterable[str], strict: bool = True ) -> None: """throws an error if reserved symbols are found Args: symbols (iterable): A sequence or set of strings with symbols to check. strict (bool): Flag determining whether an exception is raised """ symbol_set = {s.lower() for s in symbols} reserved_symbols = symbol_set & ScalarExpression._reserved_symbols if any(reserved_symbols): if len(reserved_symbols) == 1: name = reserved_symbols.pop() msg = f"Cannot use reserved symbol `{name}` as field name" else: msg = f"Cannot use reserved symbols {reserved_symbols} as field names" if strict: raise ValueError(msg) else: logging.getLogger(cls.__name__).warning(msg)
@property def _free_symbols(self) -> Set: """return symbols that appear in the expression and are not in self.consts""" return { sym for sym in self._sympy_expr.free_symbols if not in self.consts } @property def constant(self) -> bool: """bool: whether the expression is a constant""" return len(self._free_symbols) == 0 @property def complex(self) -> bool: """bool: whether the expression contains the imaginary unit I""" return sympy.I in self._sympy_expr.atoms() @property @abstractmethod def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: pass def _check_signature(self, signature: Sequence[Union[str, List[str]]] = None): """validate the variables of the expression against the signature""" # get arguments of the expressions if self.constant: # constant expression do not depend on any variables args: Set[str] = set() if signature is None: signature = [] else: # general expressions might have a variable args = set(str(s).split("[")[0] for s in self._free_symbols) if signature is None: # create signature from arguments signature = list(sorted(args)) self._logger.debug(f"Expression arguments: {args}") # check whether signature contains reserved symbols sig_elements = [] for sig in signature: if isinstance(sig, str): sig_elements.append(sig) else: sig_elements.extend(sig) self.check_reserved_symbols(sig_elements, strict=False) # check whether variables are in signature self.vars: Any = [] found = set() for sig in signature: sig_list = [sig] if isinstance(sig, str) else sig # use the first item as the variable name arg_name = sig_list[0] self.vars.append(arg_name) # check whether this part of the signature is present for arg in args: if arg in sig_list: if arg != arg_name: # synonym has been used old = sympy.symbols(arg) new = sympy.symbols(arg_name) self._sympy_expr = self._sympy_expr.subs(old, new)'Renamed variable "{old}"->"{new}"') found.add(arg) break args = set(args) - found if len(args) > 0: raise RuntimeError( f"Arguments {args} were not defined in expression signature {signature}" ) @property def expression(self) -> str: """str: the expression in string form""" # turn numerical values into easily readable text if isinstance(self._sympy_expr, sympy.NDimArray): expr = self._sympy_expr.applyfunc(lambda x: x.evalf(chop=True)) else: expr = self._sympy_expr.evalf(chop=True) return str(expr.xreplace({n: float(n) for n in expr.atoms(sympy.Float)})) @property def rank(self) -> int: """int: the rank of the expression""" return len(self.shape)
[docs] def depends_on(self, variable: str) -> bool: """determine whether the expression depends on `variable` Args: variable (str): the name of the variable to check for Returns: bool: whether the variable appears in the expression """ if self.constant: return False else: return any(variable == str(symbol) for symbol in self._free_symbols)
def _get_function( self, single_arg: bool = False, user_funcs: Dict[str, Callable] = None, prepare_compilation: bool = False, ) -> Callable[..., NumberOrArray]: """return function evaluating expression Args: single_arg (bool): Determines whether the returned function accepts all variables in a single argument as an array or whether all variables need to be supplied separately user_funcs (dict): Additional functions that can be used in the expression prepare_compilation (bool): Determines whether all user functions are marked with :func:`numba.extending.register_jitable` to prepare for compilation. Returns: function: the function """ # collect all the user functions user_functions = self.user_funcs.copy() if user_funcs is not None: user_functions.update(user_funcs) user_functions.update(SPECIAL_FUNCTIONS) if prepare_compilation: # transform the user functions, so they can be compiled using numba def compile_func(func): if isinstance(func, np.ufunc): # this is a work-around that allows to compile numpy ufuncs return jit(lambda *args: func(*args)) else: return jit(func) user_functions = {k: compile_func(v) for k, v in user_functions.items()} # initialize the printer that deals with numpy arrays correctly if prepare_compilation: printer_class: Type[PythonCodePrinter] = ListArrayPrinter else: printer_class = NumpyArrayPrinter printer = printer_class( { "fully_qualified_modules": False, "inline": True, "allow_unknown_functions": True, "user_functions": {k: k for k in user_functions}, } ) # determine the list of variables that the function depends on variables = (self.vars,) if single_arg else tuple(self.vars) constants = tuple(self.consts) # turn the expression into a callable function"Compile sympy expression `%s`", self._sympy_expr) func = sympy.lambdify( variables + constants, self._sympy_expr, modules=[user_functions, "numpy"], printer=printer, ) # Apply the constants if there are any. Note that we use this pattern of a # partial function instead of replacing the constants in the sympy expression # directly since sympy does not work well with numpy arrays. if constants: const_values = tuple(self.consts[c] for c in constants) # @UnusedVariable if prepare_compilation: func = jit(func) # TOOD: support keyword arguments def result(*args): return func(*args, *const_values) else: result = func return result @cached_method() def _get_function_cached( self, single_arg: bool = False, prepare_compilation: bool = False ) -> Callable[..., NumberOrArray]: """return function evaluating expression Args: single_arg (bool): Determines whether the returned function accepts all variables in a single argument as an array or whether all variables need to be supplied separately prepare_compilation (bool): Determines whether all user functions are marked with :func:`numba.extending.register_jitable` to prepare for compilation. Returns: function: the function """ return self._get_function(single_arg, prepare_compilation=prepare_compilation) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> NumberOrArray: """return the value of the expression for the given values""" return self._get_function_cached(single_arg=False)(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @cached_method() def get_compiled(self, single_arg: bool = False) -> Callable[..., NumberOrArray]: """return numba function evaluating expression Args: single_arg (bool): Determines whether the returned function accepts all variables in a single argument as an array or whether all variables need to be supplied separately Returns: function: the compiled function """ # compile the actual expression func = self._get_function_cached( single_arg=single_arg, prepare_compilation=True ) return jit(func) # type: ignore
[docs]class ScalarExpression(ExpressionBase): """describes a mathematical expression of a scalar quantity""" shape: Tuple[int, ...] = tuple() @fill_in_docstring def __init__( self, expression: ExpressionType = 0, signature: Optional[Sequence[Union[str, List[str]]]] = None, *, user_funcs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, consts: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, allow_indexed: bool = False, ): """ Warning: {WARNING_EXEC} Args: expression (str or float): The expression, which is either a number or a string that sympy can parse signature (list of str): The signature defines which variables are expected in the expression. This is typically a list of strings identifying the variable names. Individual names can be specified as lists, in which case any of these names can be used. The first item in such a list is the definite name and if another name of the list is used, the associated variable is renamed to the definite name. If signature is `None`, all variables in `expressions` are allowed. user_funcs (dict, optional): A dictionary with user defined functions that can be used in the expression consts (dict, optional): A dictionary with user defined constants that can be used in the expression. The values of these constants should either be numbers or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`. allow_indexed (bool): Whether to allow indexing of variables. If enabled, array variables are allowed to be indexed using square bracket notation. """ self.allow_indexed = allow_indexed # parse the expression if isinstance(expression, ScalarExpression): # copy constructor sympy_expr = copy.copy(expression._sympy_expr) if signature is None: signature = expression.vars self.allow_indexed = expression.allow_indexed if user_funcs is None: user_funcs = expression.user_funcs else: user_funcs.update(expression.user_funcs) if consts is None: consts = expression.consts else: consts.update(expression.consts) elif callable(expression): # expression is some other callable -> not allowed anymore raise TypeError("Expression must be a string and not a function") elif isinstance(expression, numbers.Number): # expression is a simple number sympy_expr = sympy.Float(expression) elif bool(expression): # parse expression as a string expression = self._prepare_expression(str(expression)) # parse the expression using sympy from sympy.parsing import sympy_parser sympy_expr = sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression) else: # expression is empty, False or None => set it to zero sympy_expr = sympy.Float(0) super().__init__( expression=sympy_expr, signature=signature, user_funcs=user_funcs, consts=consts, )
[docs] def copy(self) -> ScalarExpression: """return a copy of the current expression""" # __init__ copies all relevant attributes return self.__class__(self)
@property def value(self) -> Number: """float: the value for a constant expression""" if self.constant: try: # try simply evaluating the expression as a number value = number(self._sympy_expr.evalf()) except TypeError: # This can fail if user_funcs are supplied, which would not be replaced # in the numeric implementation above. We thus also try to call the # expression without any arguments value = number(self()) # type: ignore # Note that this may fail when the expression is actually constant, but # has a signature that forces it to depend on some arguments. However, # we feel this situation should not be very common, so we do not (yet) # deal with it. return value else: raise TypeError("Only constant expressions have a defined value") @property def is_zero(self) -> bool: """bool: returns whether the expression is zero""" return self.constant and self.value == 0 def __bool__(self) -> bool: """tests whether the expression is nonzero""" return not self.constant or self.value != 0 def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented return super().__eq__(other) and self.allow_indexed == other.allow_indexed def _prepare_expression(self, expression: str) -> str: """replace indexed variables, if allowed Args: expression (str): An expression string that might contain variables that are indexed using square brackets. If this is the case, they are rewritten using the sympy object `IndexedBase`. """ if self.allow_indexed: return re.sub(r"(\w+)(\[\w+\])", r"IndexedBase(\1)\2", expression) else: return expression def _var_indexed(self, var: str) -> bool: """checks whether the variable `var` is used in an indexed form""" from sympy.tensor.indexed import Indexed return any( isinstance(s, Indexed) and == var for s in self._free_symbols )
[docs] def differentiate(self, var: str) -> ScalarExpression: """return the expression differentiated with respect to var""" if self.constant: # return empty expression return ScalarExpression( expression=0, signature=self.vars, allow_indexed=self.allow_indexed ) if self.allow_indexed: if self._var_indexed(var): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot differentiate with respect to vector") # turn variable into sympy object and treat an indexed variable separately var_expr = self._prepare_expression(var) if "[" in var: from sympy.parsing import sympy_parser var_symbol = sympy_parser.parse_expr(var_expr) else: var_symbol = sympy.Symbol(var_expr) return ScalarExpression( self._sympy_expr.diff(var_symbol), signature=self.vars, allow_indexed=self.allow_indexed, user_funcs=self.user_funcs, )
@cached_property() def derivatives(self) -> TensorExpression: """differentiate the expression with respect to all variables""" if self.constant: # return empty expression dim = len(self.vars) expression = sympy.Array(np.zeros(dim), shape=(dim,)) return TensorExpression(expression=expression, signature=self.vars) if self.allow_indexed: if any(self._var_indexed(var) for var in self.vars): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot calculate gradient for expressions with indexed variables" ) grad = sympy.Array([self._sympy_expr.diff(sympy.Symbol(v)) for v in self.vars]) return TensorExpression( sympy.simplify(grad), signature=self.vars, user_funcs=self.user_funcs )
[docs]class TensorExpression(ExpressionBase): """describes a mathematical expression of a tensorial quantity""" @fill_in_docstring def __init__( self, expression: ExpressionType, signature: Optional[Sequence[Union[str, List[str]]]] = None, *, user_funcs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): """ Warning: {WARNING_EXEC} Args: expression (str or float): The expression, which is either a number or a string that sympy can parse signature (list of str): The signature defines which variables are expected in the expression. This is typically a list of strings identifying the variable names. Individual names can be specified as list, in which case any of these names can be used. The first item in such a list is the definite name and if another name of the list is used, the associated variable is renamed to the definite name. If signature is `None`, all variables in `expressions` are allowed. user_funcs (dict, optional): A dictionary with user defined functions that can be used in the expression. """ from sympy.tensor.array.ndim_array import ImmutableNDimArray # parse the expression if isinstance(expression, TensorExpression): # copy constructor sympy_expr = copy.copy(expression._sympy_expr) if user_funcs is None: user_funcs = expression.user_funcs else: user_funcs.update(expression.user_funcs) elif isinstance(expression, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): # expression is a constant array sympy_expr = sympy.Array(sympy.sympify(expression)) elif isinstance(expression, ImmutableNDimArray): # expression is an array of sympy expressions sympy_expr = expression else: # parse expression as a string expression = str(expression) # parse the expression using sympy from sympy.parsing import sympy_parser sympy_expr = sympy.Array(sympy_parser.parse_expr(expression)) super().__init__( expression=sympy_expr, signature=signature, user_funcs=user_funcs ) def __repr__(self): if self.shape == (0,): # work-around for sympy bug ( return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("[]", signature={self.vars})' else: return super().__repr__() @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """tuple: the shape of the tensor""" return self._sympy_expr.shape # type: ignore def __getitem__(self, index): expr = self._sympy_expr[index] if isinstance(expr, sympy.Array): return TensorExpression( expr, signature=self.vars, user_funcs=self.user_funcs ) else: return ScalarExpression( expr, signature=self.vars, user_funcs=self.user_funcs ) @property def value(self): """the value for a constant expression""" if self.constant: try: # try simply evaluating the expression as a number value = number_array(self._sympy_expr.tolist()) except TypeError: # This can fail if user_funcs are supplied, which would not be replaced # in the numeric implementation above. We thus also try to call the # expression without any arguments value = number_array(self()) # Note that this may fail when the expression is actually constant, but # has a signature that forces it to depend on some arguments. However, # we feel this situation should not be very common, so we do not (yet) # deal with it. return value else: raise TypeError("Only constant expressions have a defined value")
[docs] def differentiate(self, var: str) -> TensorExpression: """return the expression differentiated with respect to var""" if self.constant: derivative = np.zeros(self.shape) else: derivative = self._sympy_expr.diff(sympy.Symbol(var)) return TensorExpression(derivative, self.vars, user_funcs=self.user_funcs)
@cached_property() def derivatives(self) -> TensorExpression: """differentiate the expression with respect to all variables""" shape = (len(self.vars),) + self.shape if self.constant: # return empty expression derivatives = sympy.Array(np.zeros(shape), shape) else: # perform the derivatives with respect to all variables dx = sympy.Array([sympy.Symbol(s) for s in self.vars]) derivatives = sympy.derive_by_array(self._sympy_expr, dx) return TensorExpression(derivatives, self.vars, user_funcs=self.user_funcs)
[docs] def get_compiled_array( self, single_arg: bool = True ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray]], np.ndarray]: """compile the tensor expression such that a numpy array is returned Args: single_arg (bool): Whether the compiled function expects all arguments as a single array or whether they are supplied individually. """ assert isinstance(self._sympy_expr, sympy.Array), "Expression must be an array" variables = ", ".join(v for v in self.vars) shape = self._sympy_expr.shape if nb.config.DISABLE_JIT: # special path used by coverage test without jitting. This can be # removed once the `convert_scalar` wrapper is obsolete lines = [ f" out[{str(idx + (...,))[1:-1]}] = {self._sympy_expr[idx]}" for idx in np.ndindex(*self._sympy_expr.shape) ] else: lines = [ f" out[{str(idx + (...,))[1:-1]}] = " f"convert_scalar({self._sympy_expr[idx]})" for idx in np.ndindex(*self._sympy_expr.shape) ] # TODO: replace the np.ndindex with np.ndenumerate eventually. This does not # work with numpy 1.18, so we have the work around using np.ndindex # TODO: We should also support constants similar to ScalarExpressions. They # could be written in separate lines and prepended to the actual code. However, # we would need to make sure to print numpy arrays correctly. if variables: # the expression takes variables as input if single_arg: # the function takes a single input array first_dim = 0 if len(self.vars) == 1 else 1 code = "def _generated_function(arr, out=None):\n" code += f" arr = asarray(arr)\n" code += f" {variables} = arr\n" code += f" if out is None:\n" code += f" out = empty({shape} + arr.shape[{first_dim}:])\n" else: # the function takes each variables as an argument code = f"def _generated_function({variables}, out=None):\n" code += f" if out is None:\n" code += f" out = empty({shape} + shape({self.vars[0]}))\n" else: # the expression is constant if single_arg: code = "def _generated_function(arr=None, out=None):\n" else: code = "def _generated_function(out=None):\n" code += f" if out is None:\n" code += f" out = empty({shape})\n" code += "\n".join(lines) + "\n" code += " return out" self._logger.debug("Code for `get_compiled_array`: %s", code) namespace = _get_namespace("numpy") namespace["convert_scalar"] = convert_scalar namespace["builtins"] = builtins namespace.update(self.user_funcs) local_vars: Dict[str, Any] = {} exec(code, namespace, local_vars) function = local_vars["_generated_function"] return jit(function) # type: ignore
__all__ = ["ExpressionBase", "ScalarExpression", "TensorExpression", "parse_number"]