Source code for pde.trackers.intervals

Module defining classes for time intervals for trackers

The provided interval classes are:

.. autosummary::

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <> 

import copy
import math
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

from import parse_duration

InfoDict = Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

[docs]class ConstantIntervals: """class representing equidistantly spaced time intervals""" def __init__(self, dt: float = 1, t_start: Optional[float] = None): """ Args: dt (float): The duration between subsequent intervals. This is measured in simulation time units. t_start (float, optional): The time after which the tracker becomes active. If omitted, the tracker starts recording right away. This argument can be used for an initial equilibration period during which no data is recorded. """ self.dt = float(dt) self.t_start = t_start self._t_next: Optional[float] = None # next time it should be called def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(dt={self.dt:g}, t_start={self.t_start})"
[docs] def copy(self): """return a copy of this instance""" return copy.copy(self)
def _initialize(self, t: float) -> float: """initialize the tracker Args: t (float): The starting time of the simulation Returns: float: The first time the tracker needs to handle data """ if self.t_start is None: self._t_next = t else: self._t_next = max(t, self.t_start) return self._t_next
[docs] def next(self, t: float) -> float: """computes the next time point based on the current time t Args: t (float): The current time point of the simulation """ if self._t_next is None: self._initialize(t) # move next interrupt time by the appropriate interval self._t_next += self.dt # type: ignore # make sure that the new interrupt time is in the future if self._t_next <= t: # add `dt` until _t_next is in the future (larger than t) n = math.ceil((t - self._t_next) / self.dt) self._t_next += self.dt * n # adjust in special cases where float-point math fails us if self._t_next < t: self._t_next += self.dt return self._t_next
[docs]class LogarithmicIntervals(ConstantIntervals): """class representing logarithmically spaced time intervals""" def __init__( self, dt_initial: float = 1, factor: float = 1, t_start: Optional[float] = None ): """ Args: dt_initial (float): The initial duration between subsequent intervals. This is measured in simulation time units. factor (float): The factor by which the time between intervals is increased every time. Values larger than one lead to time intervals that are increasingly further apart. t_start (float, optional): The time after which the tracker becomes active. If omitted, the tracker starts recording right away. This argument can be used for an initial equilibration period during which no data is recorded. """ super().__init__(dt=dt_initial / factor, t_start=t_start) self.factor = float(factor) def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(dt={self.dt:g}, " f"factor={self.factor:g}, t_start={self.t_start})" )
[docs] def next(self, t: float) -> float: """computes the next time point based on the current time t Args: t (float): The current time point of the simulation """ self.dt *= self.factor return super().next(t)
[docs]class RealtimeIntervals(ConstantIntervals): """class representing time intervals spaced equidistantly in real time This spacing is only achieved approximately and depends on the initial value set by `dt_initial` and the actual variation in computation speed. """ def __init__(self, duration: Union[float, str], dt_initial: float = 0.01): """ Args: duration (float or str): The duration (in realtime seconds) that the intervals should be spaced apart. The duration can also be given as a string, which is then parsed using the function :func:``. dt_initial (float): The initial duration between subsequent intervals. This is measured in simulation time units. """ super().__init__(dt=dt_initial) try: self.duration = float(duration) except Exception: td = parse_duration(str(duration)) self.duration = td.total_seconds() self._last_time: Optional[float] = None def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}(duration={self.duration:g}, " f"dt_initial={self.dt:g})" ) def _initialize(self, t: float) -> float: """initialize the tracker Args: t (float): The starting time of the simulation Returns: float: The first time the tracker needs to handle data """ self._last_time = time.monotonic() return super()._initialize(t)
[docs] def next(self, t: float) -> float: """computes the next time point based on the current time t Args: t (float): The current time point of the simulation """ if self._last_time is None: self._last_time = time.monotonic() else: # adapt time step current_time = time.monotonic() time_passed = current_time - self._last_time if time_passed > 0: # predict new time step, but limit it from below, to avoid problems with # simulations where a single step takes a long time dt_predict = max(1e-3, self.dt * self.duration / time_passed) # use geometric average to provide some smoothing self.dt = math.sqrt(self.dt * dt_predict) else: self.dt *= 2 self._last_time = current_time return super().next(t)
IntervalType = ConstantIntervals IntervalData = Union[IntervalType, float, int, str]
[docs]def get_interval(interval: IntervalData) -> IntervalType: """create IntervalType from various data formats If interval is of type :class:`IntervalType` it is simply returned """ if isinstance(interval, IntervalType): return interval elif isinstance(interval, (int, float)): return ConstantIntervals(interval) elif isinstance(interval, str): return RealtimeIntervals(interval) else: raise TypeError(f"Do not understand interval type {interval}")