Source code for pde.solvers.explicit

"""Defines an explicit solver supporting various methods.

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Callable, Literal

import numba as nb
import numpy as np

from ..fields.base import FieldBase
from ..pdes.base import PDEBase
from import OnlineStatistics
from import jit
from import BackendType
from .base import AdaptiveSolverBase

[docs] class ExplicitSolver(AdaptiveSolverBase): """Various explicit PDE solvers.""" name = "explicit" def __init__( self, pde: PDEBase, scheme: Literal["euler", "runge-kutta", "rk", "rk45"] = "euler", *, backend: BackendType = "auto", adaptive: bool = False, tolerance: float = 1e-4, ): """ Args: pde (:class:`~pde.pdes.base.PDEBase`): The partial differential equation that should be solved scheme (str): Defines the explicit scheme to use. Supported values are 'euler' and 'runge-kutta' (or 'rk' for short). backend (str): Determines how the function is created. Accepted values are 'numpy` and 'numba'. Alternatively, 'auto' lets the code decide for the most optimal backend. adaptive (bool): When enabled, the time step is adjusted during the simulation using the error tolerance set with `tolerance`. tolerance (float): The error tolerance used in adaptive time stepping. This is used in adaptive time stepping to choose a time step which is small enough so the truncation error of a single step is below `tolerance`. """ super().__init__(pde, backend=backend, adaptive=adaptive, tolerance=tolerance) self.scheme = scheme def _make_single_step_fixed_euler( self, state: FieldBase, dt: float ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float], None]: """Make a simple Euler stepper with fixed time step. Args: state (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): An example for the state from which the grid and other information can be extracted dt (float): Time step of the explicit stepping. Returns: Function that can be called to advance the `state` from time `t_start` to time `t_end`. The function call signature is `(state: numpy.ndarray, t_start: float, steps: int)` """ if self.pde.is_sde: # handle stochastic version of the pde["scheme"] = "euler-maruyama" rhs_sde = self._make_sde_rhs(state, backend=self.backend) def stepper(state_data: np.ndarray, t: float) -> None: """Perform a single Euler-Maruyama step.""" evolution_rate, noise_realization = rhs_sde(state_data, t) state_data += dt * evolution_rate if noise_realization is not None: state_data += np.sqrt(dt) * noise_realization"Init explicit Euler-Maruyama stepper with dt=%g", dt) else: # handle deterministic version of the pde["scheme"] = "euler" rhs_pde = self._make_pde_rhs(state, backend=self.backend) def stepper(state_data: np.ndarray, t: float) -> None: """Perform a single Euler step.""" state_data += dt * rhs_pde(state_data, t)"Init explicit Euler stepper with dt=%g", dt) return stepper def _make_single_step_rk45( self, state: FieldBase, dt: float ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float], None]: """Make function doing a single explicit Runge-Kutta step of order 5(4) Args: state (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): An example for the state from which the grid and other information can be extracted dt (float): Time step of the explicit stepping. Returns: Function that can be called to advance the `state` from time `t_start` to time `t_end`. The function call signature is `(state: numpy.ndarray, t_start: float, steps: int)` """ if self.pde.is_sde: raise RuntimeError("Runge-Kutta stepper does not support stochasticity") # obtain functions determining how the PDE is evolved rhs = self._make_pde_rhs(state, backend=self.backend) def stepper(state_data: np.ndarray, t: float) -> None: """Compiled inner loop for speed.""" # calculate the intermediate values in Runge-Kutta k1 = dt * rhs(state_data, t) k2 = dt * rhs(state_data + 0.5 * k1, t + 0.5 * dt) k3 = dt * rhs(state_data + 0.5 * k2, t + 0.5 * dt) k4 = dt * rhs(state_data + k3, t + dt) state_data += (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6"Init explicit Runge-Kutta-45 stepper with dt=%g", dt) return stepper def _make_single_step_fixed_dt( self, state: FieldBase, dt: float ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float], None]: """Return a function doing a single step with a fixed time step. Args: state (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): An example for the state from which the grid and other information can be extracted dt (float): Time step of the explicit stepping. """["scheme"] = self.scheme if self.scheme == "euler": return self._make_single_step_fixed_euler(state, dt) elif self.scheme in {"runge-kutta", "rk", "rk45"}: return self._make_single_step_rk45(state, dt) else: raise ValueError(f"Explicit scheme `{self.scheme}` is not supported") def _make_adaptive_euler_stepper( self, state: FieldBase ) -> Callable[ [np.ndarray, float, float, float, OnlineStatistics | None, Any], tuple[float, float, int], ]: """Make an adaptive Euler stepper. Args: state (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): An example for the state from which the grid and other information can be extracted Returns: Function that can be called to advance the `state` from time `t_start` to time `t_end`. The function call signature is `(state: numpy.ndarray, t_start: float, t_end: float)` """ # General comment: We implement the full adaptive scheme here instead of just # defining `_make_single_step_error_estimate` to do some optimizations. In # particular, we reuse the calculated right hand side in cases where the step # was not successful. if self.pde.is_sde: raise RuntimeError("Cannot use adaptive stepper with stochastic equation") # obtain functions determining how the PDE is evolved rhs_pde = self._make_pde_rhs(state, backend=self.backend) post_step_hook = self._make_post_step_hook(state) # obtain auxiliary functions sync_errors = self._make_error_synchronizer() adjust_dt = self._make_dt_adjuster() tolerance = self.tolerance dt_min = self.dt_min def adaptive_stepper( state_data: np.ndarray, t_start: float, t_end: float, dt_init: float, dt_stats: OnlineStatistics | None = None, post_step_data=None, ) -> tuple[float, float, int]: """Adaptive stepper that advances the state in time.""" dt_opt = dt_init rate = rhs_pde(state_data, t_start) # calculate initial rate steps = 0 t = t_start while True: # use a smaller (but not too small) time step if close to t_end dt_step = max(min(dt_opt, t_end - t), dt_min) # do single step with dt step_large = state_data + dt_step * rate # do double step with half the time step step_small = state_data + 0.5 * dt_step * rate try: # calculate rate at the midpoint of the double step rate_midpoint = rhs_pde(step_small, t + 0.5 * dt_step) except Exception: # an exception likely signals that rate could not be calculated error_rel = np.nan else: # advance to end of double step step_small += 0.5 * dt_step * rate_midpoint # calculate maximal error error = np.abs(step_large - step_small).max() error_rel = error / tolerance # normalize error to given tolerance # synchronize the error between all processes (necessary for MPI) error_rel = sync_errors(error_rel) if error_rel <= 1: # error is sufficiently small try: # calculating the rate at putative new step rate = rhs_pde(step_small, t) except Exception: # calculating the rate failed => retry with smaller dt error_rel = np.nan else: # everything worked => do the step steps += 1 t += dt_step state_data[...] = step_small post_step_hook(state_data, t, post_step_data) if dt_stats is not None: dt_stats.add(dt_step) if t < t_end: # adjust the time step and continue dt_opt = adjust_dt(dt_step, error_rel) else: break # return to the controller return t, dt_opt, steps if self._compiled: # compile inner stepper sig_adaptive = ( nb.typeof(, nb.double, nb.double, nb.double, nb.typeof(["dt_statistics"]), self._post_step_data_type, ) adaptive_stepper = jit(sig_adaptive)(adaptive_stepper)"Init adaptive Euler stepper") return adaptive_stepper def _make_single_step_error_estimate_rkf( self, state: FieldBase ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float, float], tuple[np.ndarray, float]]: """Make an adaptive stepper using the explicit Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method. Args: state (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): An example for the state from which the grid and other information can be extracted Returns: Function that can be called to advance the `state` from time `t_start` to time `t_end`. The function call signature is `(state: numpy.ndarray, t_start: float, t_end: float)` """ if self.pde.is_sde: raise RuntimeError("Cannot use adaptive stepper with stochastic equation") # obtain functions determining how the PDE is evolved rhs = self._make_pde_rhs(state, backend=self.backend) # use Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method # define coefficients for RK4(5), formula 2 Table III in Fehlberg a2 = 1 / 4 a3 = 3 / 8 a4 = 12 / 13 a5 = 1.0 a6 = 1 / 2 b21 = 1 / 4 b31 = 3 / 32 b32 = 9 / 32 b41 = 1932 / 2197 b42 = -7200 / 2197 b43 = 7296 / 2197 b51 = 439 / 216 b52 = -8.0 b53 = 3680 / 513 b54 = -845 / 4104 b61 = -8 / 27 b62 = 2.0 b63 = -3544 / 2565 b64 = 1859 / 4104 b65 = -11 / 40 r1 = 1 / 360 # r2 = 0 r3 = -128 / 4275 r4 = -2197 / 75240 r5 = 1 / 50 r6 = 2 / 55 c1 = 25 / 216 # c2 = 0 c3 = 1408 / 2565 c4 = 2197 / 4104 c5 = -1 / 5 def stepper( state_data: np.ndarray, t: float, dt: float ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, float]: """Basic stepper to estimate error.""" # do the six intermediate steps k1 = dt * rhs(state_data, t) k2 = dt * rhs(state_data + b21 * k1, t + a2 * dt) k3 = dt * rhs(state_data + b31 * k1 + b32 * k2, t + a3 * dt) k4 = dt * rhs(state_data + b41 * k1 + b42 * k2 + b43 * k3, t + a4 * dt) k5 = dt * rhs( state_data + b51 * k1 + b52 * k2 + b53 * k3 + b54 * k4, t + a5 * dt, ) k6 = dt * rhs( state_data + b61 * k1 + b62 * k2 + b63 * k3 + b64 * k4 + b65 * k5, t + a6 * dt, ) # estimate the maximal error error_local = r1 * k1 + r3 * k3 + r4 * k4 + r5 * k5 + r6 * k6 error = np.abs(error_local).max() state_new = state_data + c1 * k1 + c3 * k3 + c4 * k4 + c5 * k5 return state_new, error"Init adaptive Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg stepper") return stepper def _make_single_step_error_estimate( self, state: FieldBase ) -> Callable[[np.ndarray, float, float], tuple[np.ndarray, float]]: """Make a stepper that also estimates the error. Args: state (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): An example for the state from which the grid and other information can be extracted """["scheme"] = self.scheme if self.scheme in {"runge-kutta", "rk", "rk45"}: return self._make_single_step_error_estimate_rkf(state) else: # Note that the Euler scheme is implemented separately to use detailed # optimizations; see method `_make_adaptive_euler_stepper` raise ValueError(f"Adaptive scheme `{self.scheme}` is not supported") def _make_adaptive_stepper( self, state: FieldBase ) -> Callable[ [np.ndarray, float, float, float, OnlineStatistics | None, Any], tuple[float, float, int], ]: """Return a stepper function using an explicit scheme with fixed time steps. Args: state (:class:`~pde.fields.base.FieldBase`): An example for the state from which the grid and other information can be extracted """["scheme"] = self.scheme if self.scheme == "euler": return self._make_adaptive_euler_stepper(state) elif self.scheme in {"runge-kutta", "rk", "rk45"}: return super()._make_adaptive_stepper(state) else: raise ValueError(f"Adaptive scheme `{self.scheme}` is not supported")