r"""This module implements differential operators on cylindrical grids.
.. autosummary::
.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <david.zwicker@ds.mpg.de>
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Literal
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
from ... import config
from ...tools.docstrings import fill_in_docstring
from ...tools.numba import jit
from ...tools.typing import OperatorType
from ..boundaries.axes import BoundariesBase, BoundariesList
from ..cylindrical import CylindricalSymGrid
from .common import make_general_poisson_solver
def _get_laplace_matrix(bcs: BoundariesList) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Get sparse matrix for Laplace operator on a cylindrical grid.
bcs (:class:`~pde.grids.boundaries.axes.BoundariesList`):
tuple: A sparse matrix and a sparse vector that can be used to evaluate the
discretized laplacian
from scipy import sparse
grid = bcs.grid
assert isinstance(grid, CylindricalSymGrid)
dim_r, dim_z = grid.shape
matrix = sparse.dok_matrix((dim_r * dim_z, dim_r * dim_z))
vector = sparse.dok_matrix((dim_r * dim_z, 1))
bc_r, bc_z = bcs
scale_r, scale_z = grid.discretization**-2
factor_r = 1 / (2 * grid.axes_coords[0] * grid.discretization[0])
def i(r, z):
"""Helper function for flattening the index.
This is equivalent to np.ravel_multi_index((r, z), (dim_r, dim_z))
return r * dim_z + z
# set diagonal elements, i.e., the central value in the kernel
matrix.setdiag(-2 * (scale_r + scale_z))
for r in range(dim_r):
for z in range(dim_z):
# handle r-direction
if r == 0:
const, entries = bc_r.get_sparse_matrix_data((-1, z))
vector[i(r, z)] += const * (scale_r - factor_r[0])
for k, v in entries.items():
matrix[i(r, z), i(k, z)] += v * (scale_r - factor_r[0])
matrix[i(r, z), i(r - 1, z)] += scale_r - factor_r[r]
if r == dim_r - 1:
const, entries = bc_r.get_sparse_matrix_data((dim_r, z))
vector[i(r, z)] += const * (scale_r + factor_r[-1])
for k, v in entries.items():
matrix[i(r, z), i(k, z)] += v * (scale_r + factor_r[-1])
matrix[i(r, z), i(r + 1, z)] += scale_r + factor_r[r]
# handle z-direction
if z == 0:
const, entries = bc_z.get_sparse_matrix_data((r, -1))
vector[i(r, z)] += const * scale_z
for k, v in entries.items():
matrix[i(r, z), i(r, k)] += v * scale_z
matrix[i(r, z), i(r, z - 1)] += scale_z
if z == dim_z - 1:
const, entries = bc_z.get_sparse_matrix_data((r, dim_z))
vector[i(r, z)] += const * scale_z
for k, v in entries.items():
matrix[i(r, z), i(r, k)] += v * scale_z
matrix[i(r, z), i(r, z + 1)] += scale_z
return matrix, vector
@CylindricalSymGrid.register_operator("laplace", rank_in=0, rank_out=0)
def make_laplace(grid: CylindricalSymGrid) -> OperatorType:
"""Make a discretized laplace operator for a cylindrical grid.
grid (:class:`~pde.grids.cylindrical.CylindricalSymGrid`):
The grid for which the operator is created
A function that can be applied to an array of values
# calculate preliminary quantities
dim_r, dim_z = grid.shape
dr = grid.discretization[0]
dr_2, dz_2 = 1 / grid.discretization**2
factor_r = 1 / (2 * grid.axes_coords[0] * dr)
# use processing for large enough arrays
parallel = dim_r * dim_z >= config["numba.multithreading_threshold"]
def laplace(arr: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Apply laplace operator to array `arr`"""
for i in nb.prange(1, dim_r + 1): # iterate radial points
for j in range(1, dim_z + 1): # iterate axial points
arr_z_l, arr_z_h = arr[i, j - 1], arr[i, j + 1]
arr_r_l, arr_r_h = arr[i - 1, j], arr[i + 1, j]
out[i - 1, j - 1] = (
(arr_r_h - 2 * arr[i, j] + arr_r_l) * dr_2
+ (arr_r_h - arr_r_l) * factor_r[i - 1]
+ (arr_z_l - 2 * arr[i, j] + arr_z_h) * dz_2
return laplace # type: ignore
@CylindricalSymGrid.register_operator("gradient", rank_in=0, rank_out=1)
def make_gradient(grid: CylindricalSymGrid) -> OperatorType:
"""Make a discretized gradient operator for a cylindrical grid.
grid (:class:`~pde.grids.cylindrical.CylindricalSymGrid`):
The grid for which the operator is created
A function that can be applied to an array of values
# calculate preliminary quantities
dim_r, dim_z = grid.shape
scale_r, scale_z = 1 / (2 * grid.discretization)
# use processing for large enough arrays
parallel = dim_r * dim_z >= config["numba.multithreading_threshold"]
def gradient(arr: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Apply gradient operator to array `arr`"""
for i in nb.prange(1, dim_r + 1): # iterate radial points
for j in range(1, dim_z + 1): # iterate axial points
out[0, i - 1, j - 1] = (arr[i + 1, j] - arr[i - 1, j]) * scale_r
out[1, i - 1, j - 1] = (arr[i, j + 1] - arr[i, j - 1]) * scale_z
out[2, i - 1, j - 1] = 0 # no phi dependence by definition
return gradient # type: ignore
@CylindricalSymGrid.register_operator("gradient_squared", rank_in=0, rank_out=0)
def make_gradient_squared(
grid: CylindricalSymGrid, central: bool = True
) -> OperatorType:
"""Make a discretized gradient squared operator for a cylindrical grid.
grid (:class:`~pde.grids.cylindrical.CylindricalSymGrid`):
The grid for which the operator is created
central (bool):
Whether a central difference approximation is used for the gradient
operator. If this is False, the squared gradient is calculated as
the mean of the squared values of the forward and backward
A function that can be applied to an array of values
# use processing for large enough arrays
dim_r, dim_z = grid.shape
parallel = dim_r * dim_z >= config["numba.multithreading_threshold"]
if central:
# use central differences
scale_r, scale_z = 0.25 / grid.discretization**2
def gradient_squared(arr: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Apply gradient operator to array `arr`"""
for i in nb.prange(1, dim_r + 1): # iterate radial points
for j in range(1, dim_z + 1): # iterate axial points
term_r = (arr[i + 1, j] - arr[i - 1, j]) ** 2
term_z = (arr[i, j + 1] - arr[i, j - 1]) ** 2
out[i - 1, j - 1] = term_r * scale_r + term_z * scale_z
# use forward and backward differences
scale_r, scale_z = 0.5 / grid.discretization**2
def gradient_squared(arr: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Apply gradient operator to array `arr`"""
for i in nb.prange(1, dim_r + 1): # iterate radial points
for j in range(1, dim_z + 1): # iterate axial points
arr_z_l, arr_c, arr_z_h = arr[i, j - 1], arr[i, j], arr[i, j + 1]
term_r = (arr[i + 1, j] - arr_c) ** 2 + (arr_c - arr[i - 1, j]) ** 2
term_z = (arr_z_h - arr_c) ** 2 + (arr_c - arr_z_l) ** 2
out[i - 1, j - 1] = term_r * scale_r + term_z * scale_z
return gradient_squared # type: ignore
@CylindricalSymGrid.register_operator("divergence", rank_in=1, rank_out=0)
def make_divergence(grid: CylindricalSymGrid) -> OperatorType:
"""Make a discretized divergence operator for a cylindrical grid.
grid (:class:`~pde.grids.cylindrical.CylindricalSymGrid`):
The grid for which the operator is created
A function that can be applied to an array of values
# calculate preliminary quantities
dim_r, dim_z = grid.shape
scale_r, scale_z = 1 / (2 * grid.discretization)
rs = grid.axes_coords[0]
# use processing for large enough arrays
parallel = dim_r * dim_z >= config["numba.multithreading_threshold"]
def divergence(arr: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Apply divergence operator to array `arr`"""
arr_r, arr_z = arr[0], arr[1]
for i in nb.prange(1, dim_r + 1): # iterate radial points
for j in range(1, dim_z + 1): # iterate axial points
out[i - 1, j - 1] = (
arr_r[i, j] / rs[i - 1]
+ (arr_r[i + 1, j] - arr_r[i - 1, j]) * scale_r
+ (arr_z[i, j + 1] - arr_z[i, j - 1]) * scale_z
return divergence # type: ignore
@CylindricalSymGrid.register_operator("vector_gradient", rank_in=1, rank_out=2)
def make_vector_gradient(grid: CylindricalSymGrid) -> OperatorType:
"""Make a discretized vector gradient operator for a cylindrical grid.
grid (:class:`~pde.grids.cylindrical.CylindricalSymGrid`):
The grid for which the operator is created
A function that can be applied to an array of values
# calculate preliminary quantities
dim_r, dim_z = grid.shape
scale_r, scale_z = 1 / (2 * grid.discretization)
rs = grid.axes_coords[0]
# use processing for large enough arrays
parallel = dim_r * dim_z >= config["numba.multithreading_threshold"]
def vector_gradient(arr: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Apply gradient operator to array `arr`"""
# assign aliases
arr_r, arr_z, arr_φ = arr
out_rr, out_rz, out_rφ = out[0, 0], out[0, 1], out[0, 2]
out_zr, out_zz, out_zφ = out[1, 0], out[1, 1], out[1, 2]
out_φr, out_φz, out_φφ = out[2, 0], out[2, 1], out[2, 2]
for i in nb.prange(1, dim_r + 1): # iterate radial points
for j in range(1, dim_z + 1): # iterate axial points
out_rr[i - 1, j - 1] = (arr_r[i + 1, j] - arr_r[i - 1, j]) * scale_r
out_φr[i - 1, j - 1] = (arr_φ[i + 1, j] - arr_φ[i - 1, j]) * scale_r
out_zr[i - 1, j - 1] = (arr_z[i + 1, j] - arr_z[i - 1, j]) * scale_r
out_rφ[i - 1, j - 1] = -arr_φ[i, j] / rs[i - 1]
out_φφ[i - 1, j - 1] = arr_r[i, j] / rs[i - 1]
out_zφ[i - 1, j - 1] = 0
out_rz[i - 1, j - 1] = (arr_r[i, j + 1] - arr_r[i, j - 1]) * scale_z
out_φz[i - 1, j - 1] = (arr_φ[i, j + 1] - arr_φ[i, j - 1]) * scale_z
out_zz[i - 1, j - 1] = (arr_z[i, j + 1] - arr_z[i, j - 1]) * scale_z
return vector_gradient # type: ignore
@CylindricalSymGrid.register_operator("vector_laplace", rank_in=1, rank_out=1)
def make_vector_laplace(grid: CylindricalSymGrid) -> OperatorType:
"""Make a discretized vector laplace operator for a cylindrical grid.
grid (:class:`~pde.grids.cylindrical.CylindricalSymGrid`):
The grid for which the operator is created
A function that can be applied to an array of values
# calculate preliminary quantities
dim_r, dim_z = grid.shape
rs = grid.axes_coords[0]
dr, dz = grid.discretization
s1, s2 = 1 / (2 * dr), 1 / dr**2
scale_z = 1 / (dz**2)
# use processing for large enough arrays
parallel = dim_r * dim_z >= config["numba.multithreading_threshold"]
def vector_laplace(arr: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Apply vector laplace operator to array `arr`"""
# assign aliases
arr_r, arr_z, arr_φ = arr
out_r, out_z, out_φ = out
for i in nb.prange(1, dim_r + 1): # iterate radial points
for j in range(1, dim_z + 1): # iterate axial points
f_r_l, f_r_m, f_r_h = arr_r[i - 1, j], arr_r[i, j], arr_r[i + 1, j]
out_r[i - 1, j - 1] = (
(arr_r[i, j + 1] - 2 * f_r_m + arr_r[i, j - 1]) * scale_z
- f_r_m / rs[i - 1] ** 2
+ (f_r_h - f_r_l) * s1 / rs[i - 1]
+ (f_r_h - 2 * f_r_m + f_r_l) * s2
f_φ_l, f_φ_m, f_φ_h = arr_φ[i - 1, j], arr_φ[i, j], arr_φ[i + 1, j]
out_φ[i - 1, j - 1] = (
(arr_φ[i, j + 1] - 2 * f_φ_m + arr_φ[i, j - 1]) * scale_z
- f_φ_m / rs[i - 1] ** 2
+ (f_φ_h - f_φ_l) * s1 / rs[i - 1]
+ (f_φ_h - 2 * f_φ_m + f_φ_l) * s2
f_z_l, f_z_m, f_z_h = arr_z[i - 1, j], arr_z[i, j], arr_z[i + 1, j]
out_z[i - 1, j - 1] = (
(arr_z[i, j + 1] - 2 * f_z_m + arr_z[i, j - 1]) * scale_z
+ (f_z_h - f_z_l) * s1 / rs[i - 1]
+ (f_z_h - 2 * f_z_m + f_z_l) * s2
return vector_laplace # type: ignore
@CylindricalSymGrid.register_operator("tensor_divergence", rank_in=2, rank_out=1)
def make_tensor_divergence(grid: CylindricalSymGrid) -> OperatorType:
"""Make a discretized tensor divergence operator for a cylindrical grid.
grid (:class:`~pde.grids.cylindrical.CylindricalSymGrid`):
The grid for which the operator is created
A function that can be applied to an array of values
# calculate preliminary quantities
dim_r, dim_z = grid.shape
rs = grid.axes_coords[0]
scale_r, scale_z = 1 / (2 * grid.discretization)
# use processing for large enough arrays
parallel = dim_r * dim_z >= config["numba.multithreading_threshold"]
def tensor_divergence(arr: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Apply tensor divergence operator to array `arr`"""
# assign aliases
arr_rr, arr_rz, arr_rφ = arr[0, 0], arr[0, 1], arr[0, 2]
arr_zr, arr_zz, _ = arr[1, 0], arr[1, 1], arr[1, 2]
arr_φr, arr_φz, arr_φφ = arr[2, 0], arr[2, 1], arr[2, 2]
out_r, out_z, out_φ = out
for i in nb.prange(1, dim_r + 1): # iterate radial points
for j in range(1, dim_z + 1): # iterate axial points
out_r[i - 1, j - 1] = (
(arr_rz[i, j + 1] - arr_rz[i, j - 1]) * scale_z
+ (arr_rr[i + 1, j] - arr_rr[i - 1, j]) * scale_r
+ (arr_rr[i, j] - arr_φφ[i, j]) / rs[i - 1]
out_φ[i - 1, j - 1] = (
(arr_φz[i, j + 1] - arr_φz[i, j - 1]) * scale_z
+ (arr_φr[i + 1, j] - arr_φr[i - 1, j]) * scale_r
+ (arr_rφ[i, j] + arr_φr[i, j]) / rs[i - 1]
out_z[i - 1, j - 1] = (
(arr_zz[i, j + 1] - arr_zz[i, j - 1]) * scale_z
+ (arr_zr[i + 1, j] - arr_zr[i - 1, j]) * scale_r
+ arr_zr[i, j] / rs[i - 1]
return tensor_divergence # type: ignore
@CylindricalSymGrid.register_operator("poisson_solver", rank_in=0, rank_out=0)
def make_poisson_solver(
bcs: BoundariesList, *, method: Literal["auto", "scipy"] = "auto"
) -> OperatorType:
"""Make a operator that solves Poisson's equation.
bcs (:class:`~pde.grids.boundaries.axes.BoundariesList`):
method (str):
The chosen method for implementing the operator
A function that can be applied to an array of values
matrix, vector = _get_laplace_matrix(bcs)
return make_general_poisson_solver(matrix, vector, method)