Source code for pde.fields.tensorial

Defines a tensorial field of rank 2 over a grid

.. codeauthor:: David Zwicker <>

from __future__ import annotations

from import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import DTypeLike

from ..grids.base import DimensionError, GridBase
from import fill_in_docstring
from import get_common_dtype
from import PlotReference, plot_on_figure
from import NumberOrArray
from .base import DataFieldBase
from .scalar import ScalarField
from .vectorial import VectorField

    from ..grids.boundaries.axes import BoundariesData

[docs] class Tensor2Field(DataFieldBase): """Tensor field of rank 2 discretized on a grid Warning: Components of the tensor field are given in the local basis. While the local basis is identical to the global basis in Cartesian coordinates, the local basis depends on position in curvilinear coordinate systems. Moreover, the field always contains all components, even if the underlying grid assumes symmetries. """ rank = 2
[docs] @classmethod @fill_in_docstring def from_expression( cls, grid: GridBase, expressions: Sequence[Sequence[str]], *, user_funcs: dict[str, Callable] | None = None, consts: dict[str, NumberOrArray] | None = None, label: str | None = None, dtype: DTypeLike | None = None, ) -> Tensor2Field: """create a tensor field on a grid from given expressions Warning: {WARNING_EXEC} Args: grid (:class:`~pde.grids.base.GridBase`): Grid defining the space on which this field is defined expressions (list of str): A 2d list of mathematical expression, one for each component of the tensor field. The expressions determine the values as a function of the position on the grid. The expressions may contain standard mathematical functions and they may depend on the axes labels of the grid. More information can be found in the :ref:`expression documentation <documentation-expressions>`. user_funcs (dict, optional): A dictionary with user defined functions that can be used in the expression consts (dict, optional): A dictionary with user defined constants that can be used in the expression. The values of these constants should either be numbers or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`. label (str, optional): Name of the field dtype (numpy dtype): The data type of the field. If omitted, it will be determined from `data` automatically. """ from import ScalarExpression if ( isinstance(expressions, str) or len(expressions) != grid.dim or any(len(expr) != grid.dim for expr in expressions) ): axes_names = grid.axes + grid.axes_symmetric raise DimensionError( f"Expected a nested list of {grid.dim}x{grid.dim} expressions for the " f"tensor components of the coordinates {axes_names}." ) # obtain the coordinates of the grid points points = [grid.cell_coords[..., i] for i in range(grid.num_axes)] # evaluate all vector components at all points data: list[list[np.ndarray]] = [[None] * grid.dim for _ in range(grid.dim)] # type: ignore for i in range(grid.dim): for j in range(grid.dim): expr = ScalarExpression( expressions[i][j], signature=grid.axes, user_funcs=user_funcs, consts=consts, repl=grid.c._axes_alt_repl, ) values = np.broadcast_to(expr(*points), grid.shape) data[i][j] = values # create vector field from the data return cls(grid=grid, data=data, label=label, dtype=dtype)
def _get_axes_index(self, key: tuple[int | str, int | str]) -> tuple[int, int]: """turns a general index of two axis into a tuple of two numeric indices""" try: if len(key) != 2: raise IndexError("Index must be given as two integers") except TypeError: raise IndexError("Index must be given as two values") return tuple(self.grid.get_axis_index(k) for k in key) # type: ignore def __getitem__(self, key: tuple[int | str, int | str]) -> ScalarField: """extract a single component of the tensor field as a scalar field""" return ScalarField( self.grid, data=self._data_full[self._get_axes_index(key)], with_ghost_cells=True, ) def __setitem__( self, key: tuple[int | str, int | str], value: NumberOrArray | ScalarField, ): """set a single component of the tensor field""" idx = self._get_axes_index(key) if isinstance(value, ScalarField): self.grid.assert_grid_compatible(value.grid)[idx] = else:[idx] = value @DataFieldBase._data_flat.setter # type: ignore def _data_flat(self, value): """set the data from a value from a collection""" # create a view and reshape it to disallow copying data_full = value.view() dim = self.grid.dim full_grid_shape = tuple(s + 2 for s in self.grid.shape) data_full.shape = (dim, dim, *full_grid_shape) # set the result as the full data array self._data_full = data_full # ensure that no copying happend assert np.may_share_memory(, value)
[docs] def dot( self, other: VectorField | Tensor2Field, out: VectorField | Tensor2Field | None = None, *, conjugate: bool = True, label: str = "dot product", ) -> VectorField | Tensor2Field: """calculate the dot product involving a tensor field This supports the dot product between two tensor fields as well as the product between a tensor and a vector. The resulting fields will be a tensor or vector, respectively. Args: other (VectorField or Tensor2Field): the second field out (VectorField or Tensor2Field, optional): Optional field to which the result is written. conjugate (bool): Whether to use the complex conjugate for the second operand label (str, optional): Name of the returned field Returns: :class:`~pde.fields.vectorial.VectorField` or :class:`~pde.fields.tensorial.Tensor2Field`: result of applying the dot operator """ # check input self.grid.assert_grid_compatible(other.grid) if not isinstance(other, (VectorField, Tensor2Field)): raise TypeError("Second term must be a vector or tensor field") # create and check the output instance if out is None: out = other.__class__(self.grid, dtype=get_common_dtype(self, other)) else: assert isinstance(out, other.__class__), f"`out` must be {other.__class__}" self.grid.assert_grid_compatible(out.grid) # calculate the result other_data = if conjugate else np.einsum("ij...,j...->i...",, other_data, if label is not None: out.label = label return out
__matmul__ = dot # support python @-syntax for matrix multiplication
[docs] @fill_in_docstring def divergence( self, bc: BoundariesData | None, out: VectorField | None = None, **kwargs ) -> VectorField: r"""apply tensor divergence and return result as a field The tensor divergence is a vector field :math:`v_\alpha` resulting from a contracting of the derivative of the tensor field :math:`t_{\alpha\beta}`: .. math:: v_\alpha = \sum_\beta \frac{\partial t_{\alpha\beta}}{\partial x_\beta} Args: bc: The boundary conditions applied to the field. {ARG_BOUNDARIES_OPTIONAL} out (VectorField, optional): Optional scalar field to which the result is written. label (str, optional): Name of the returned field **kwargs: Additional arguments affecting how the operator behaves. Returns: :class:`~pde.fields.vectorial.VectorField`: result of applying the operator """ return self.apply_operator("tensor_divergence", bc=bc, out=out, **kwargs) # type: ignore
@property def integral(self) -> np.ndarray: """:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: integral of each component over space""" return self.grid.integrate( # type: ignore
[docs] def transpose(self, label: str = "transpose") -> Tensor2Field: """return the transpose of the tensor field Args: label (str, optional): Name of the returned field Returns: :class:`~pde.fields.tensorial.Tensor2Field`: transpose of the tensor field """ axes = (1, 0) + tuple(range(2, 2 + self.grid.num_axes)) return Tensor2Field(self.grid,, label=label)
[docs] def symmetrize( self, make_traceless: bool = False, inplace: bool = False ) -> Tensor2Field: """symmetrize the tensor field in place Args: make_traceless (bool): Determines whether the result is also traceless inplace (bool): Flag determining whether to symmetrize the current field or return a new one Returns: :class:`~pde.fields.tensorial.Tensor2Field`: result of the operation """ if inplace: out = self else: out = self.copy() out += self.transpose() out *= 0.5 if make_traceless: dim = self.grid.dim value = self.trace() / dim for i in range(dim):[i, i] -= return out
[docs] def to_scalar( self, scalar: str = "auto", *, label: str | None = "scalar `{scalar}`" ) -> ScalarField: r"""return scalar variant of the field The invariants of the tensor field :math:`\boldsymbol{A}` are .. math:: I_1 &= \mathrm{tr}(\boldsymbol{A}) \\ I_2 &= \frac12 \left[ (\mathrm{tr}(\boldsymbol{A})^2 - \mathrm{tr}(\boldsymbol{A}^2) \right] \\ I_3 &= \det(A) where `tr` denotes the trace and `det` denotes the determinant. Note that the three invariants can only be distinct and non-zero in three dimensions. In two dimensional spaces, we have the identity :math:`2 I_2 = I_3` and in one-dimensional spaces, we have :math:`I_1 = I_3` as well as :math:`I_2 = 0`. Args: scalar (str): The method to calculate the scalar. Possible choices include `norm` (the default chosen when the value is `auto`), `min`, `max`, `squared_sum`, `norm_squared`, `trace` (or `invariant1`), `invariant2`, and `determinant` (or `invariant3`) label (str, optional): Name of the returned field Returns: :class:`~pde.fields.scalar.ScalarField`: the scalar field after applying the operation """ if scalar == "auto": scalar = "norm" if scalar == "norm": data = np.linalg.norm(, axis=(0, 1)) elif scalar == "min": data = np.min(, axis=(0, 1)) elif scalar == "max": data = np.max(, axis=(0, 1)) elif scalar == "squared_sum": data = np.sum(**2, axis=(0, 1)) elif scalar == "norm_squared": data = np.sum( *, axis=(0, 1)) elif scalar == "trace" or scalar == "invariant1": data =, axis2=1) elif scalar == "invariant2": data = np.zeros(self.grid.shape) for i in range(self.grid.dim): for j in range(i): data += ([i, i] *[j, j] -[i, j] *[j, i] ) data *= 0.5 elif scalar in {"det", "determinant", "invariant3"}: if self.grid.dim == 1: data =[0, 0] else: data = np.zeros(self.grid.shape) # this iterates over all of space and might thus be slow, but # the interface of np.linalg.det is not very flexible. We could # in principle use the definition of np.linalg.det without the # multiple checks to gain some speed for idx in np.ndindex(*self.grid.shape): data[idx] = np.linalg.det([(...,) + idx]) else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown method `{scalar}` for `to_scalar`. Valid methods are `norm`, " "`min`, `max`, squared_sum`, `norm_squared`, `trace`, `determinant`, " "and `invariant#`, where # is 1, 2, or 3" ) # determine label of the result if self.label is None: if label is not None: label = label.format(scalar=scalar) else: label = f"{scalar} of {self.label}" return ScalarField(self.grid, data, label=label)
[docs] def trace(self, label: str | None = "trace") -> ScalarField: """return the trace of the tensor field as a scalar field Args: label (str, optional): Name of the returned field Returns: :class:`~pde.fields.scalar.ScalarField`: scalar field of traces """ return self.to_scalar(scalar="trace", label=label)
def _update_plot_components(self, reference: list[list[PlotReference]]) -> None: """update a plot collection with the current field values Args: reference (list of :class:`PlotReference`): All references of the plot to update """ for i in range(self.grid.dim): for j in range(self.grid.dim): self[i, j]._update_plot(reference[i][j])
[docs] @plot_on_figure(update_method="_update_plot_components") def plot_components( self, kind: str = "auto", fig=None, **kwargs, ) -> list[list[PlotReference]]: r"""visualize all the components of this tensor field Args: kind (str or list of str): Determines the kind of the visualizations. Supported values are `image` or `line`. Alternatively, `auto` determines the best visualization based on the grid. {PLOT_ARGS} \**kwargs: All additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the actual plotting function of all subplots. Returns: 2d list of :class:`PlotReference`: Instances that contain information to update all the plots with new data later. """ # create all the subpanels dim = self.grid.dim axs = fig.subplots(nrows=dim, ncols=dim, squeeze=False) # plot all the elements onto the respective axes kwargs.setdefault("action", "none") kwargs["kind"] = kind comps = self.grid.axes + self.grid.axes_symmetric references = [ [ self[i, j].plot( ax=axs[i][j], title=f"{comps[i]}{comps[j]} Component", **kwargs, ) for j in range(dim) ] for i in range(dim) ] # return the references for all subplots return references